Example sentences of "that you will [verb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Are n't you worried that you 'll kill the goose that laid the golden egg ?
2 If I try to sit up , do you promise that you 'll keep the world still ? ’
3 And even if it has n't , maybe Rohmer can see to it that you 'll spend the rest of your life behind bars along with Jimmy Devlin ?
4 But you can be sure that you 'll have the time of your life .
5 ‘ And because of that application form , Matthew thinks that you 're just like me — that you 'll stretch the rules a bit to get what you want .
6 When you remove the basin brackets from the wall , it is more likely that you will damage the plaster ( there may also be some wood there with an advanced case of wet rot ) ; Allow time in the schedule for repairing the plaster before you go any further — modern d-i-y plasters can be applied up to two inches thick .
7 Unless you are certain that you will finish the job in 24 hours , go for hiring by the week .
8 You may have only intended to have a small black coffee but given all the antecedent events ( that is , the things we have described leading up to walking into the café ) , the probability is high that you will break the diet .
9 If you are HIV positive , it is very unlikely that you will pass the virus onto your baby during birth .
10 Warn your child first that you will record the behaviour in the black book if it does n't stop immediately .
11 Yet such is the skill of the writing that you will forget the strangeness of the language after the first couple of paragraphs .
12 And we pray that You will prepare the Christians there for Alan 's induction , making it a body which is joyful in worship , and united in witness , working , caring , praising and loving , to the glory of Your Name .
13 We ask Lord , that You will restrain the leaders , President Milosevic , President Tudjman and President Izetbegovic in their desire for power .
14 We hope that you will find the discussion of the requests a useful and informative session giving insight into the working of Christian Aid .
15 Another thing I like about the book is the point that if you are , as a worker , do n't have the information , then you should say so , but add that you will find the person who does . ’
16 My comment was , I 'm certain that by tomorrow afternoon , Mr you will have found somewhere from your little niche , that you will find the money for it .
17 ‘ I do not think that you will find the Prince overjoyed to be reminded of his presence here , ’ said Auguste .
18 I thank you for taking the trouble to share your concerns with me , and hope that you will find the response reassuring .
19 It is only when you turn out the plant that you will find the culprits .
20 We also hope you will follow our campaigns in your quarterly newsletter and that you will find the time to study our in-depth campaign reports as they become available .
21 He paused and then said , in a whisper , ‘ My party wishes that you will administer the drug to the Emperor during your audience tomorrow at nine . ’
22 So we pray that you will guide the efforts of the United Nations , and of national leaders , to work for peace .
23 We ask that you will guide the electors in their voting , not just for the president , but in all the other elections which happen at the same time , that Your will may be done there .
24 Some of the larger training establishments now run consortia , and it may be that you will have the opportunity to join a consortium and have some say in the training which is undertaken in your area .
25 Keep listening until you are sure that you will recognise the sounds the next time you hear them , then withdraw the spade and push it back into the ground some feet away .
26 I 'm very sorry that as soon as I have finished this welcome this morning that I have got to leave you , and I am very sorry that I shall not be able to return this evening for your dinner which I would originally look forward very much to but I trust that you will enjoy the company of the Chairman of our Environmental Services Committee , Councillor Robin Draga , who is attending on my behalf .
27 In fact recognition you do n't have to guarantee that you will solve the problem .
28 In creating an atmosphere in which delegation is expected and welcomed you need to show that you will accept the mistakes that others make on your behalf .
29 We hope that you will take the opportunity to enjoy one of the most exciting programmes available in Britain : the cinema of the world comes to Birmingham !
30 I understand this is one of the LCC subsidised services and hope that you will take the matter up with Ribble and ensure that this does n't occur again
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