Example sentences of "that it might [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The truth is that they had a narcissistic preoccupation with their own past ; any information they could glean about ‘ savage society ’ was eagerly seized upon in the hope that it might shed further light on their own origins .
2 Doetsch found that his synthetic analogue prevented the normal development of the viral infection within the cells , prompting him to suggest that it might have therapeutic potential ( Proceedings of the US National Academy of Sciences , 1981 , vol 78 , p 6699 ) .
3 Although , therefore , I may ( as indeed I do ) very much doubt whether the effect of the agreement , as a conditional waiver of the interest to which she was by law entitled under the judgment , was really present to the mind of the judgment creditor , still I can not deny that it might have that effect , if capable of being legally enforced .
4 Each hand drilled hole had to be carefully positioned in order that it might have greatest effect , but it did not matter so much with machine holes .
5 And that it might have some bearing on what has happened now .
6 I wanted to choose for myself , yes , but I also wanted to escape into a world of certainties , which I knew to be unreal while desperately wanting to believe that it might have some reality .
7 I dared not go to his house , fearing that it might cause further trouble for him .
8 Although it was being carried out at Winnington , home of ICI 's Alkali Division , it was being sponsored in part by the company 's dyestuffs interests , in the hope that it might provide new routes to organic chemicals used as intermediates .
9 The proposal attracted strong opposition , some arguing that it might withdraw legal protection from the weak and vulnerable , others arguing that the fundamental ethical problems could not be satisfactorily resolved by legal definition .
10 Eugene Steuerle of the Urban Institute , who also favours increasing the exemption , accepts that it might take many years to reverse the effects of its shrinkage .
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