Example sentences of "that it could [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 There are hopes that the aircraft may receive a reprieve so that it could perform during the celebrations to mark the 75th anniversary of the RAF in April next year .
2 It has been known for many years that recycling used materials helps make great savings , but it was not until recently that it was realised how much good that it could do for the environment .
3 I was told that it could spread through the intestines to the stomach and lungs and then you had pretty much had it .
4 er As you know , it 's been bandied around that there 's the possibility that it could cost in the region of 3 to 3 1/2 million pounds , and obviously that 's down to the rate payer .
5 The information retrieval section needed to check facts with the IPG about the position of claimants so that it could feed into the debates about take-up campaigns and potential losers .
6 Typical of the government 's hypocrisy , in Pink 's view , that it could bleat about the failure of exporters while at the same time putting every sort of obstacle in their path .
7 But when in 1698 a new company finally won the trade in return for a loan of £2 million , Herne broke with Child and brought the ‘ old ’ company into the subscription so that it could continue in the trade .
8 The Finnish Parliament 's Wilderness Act , which includes plans to log some of the county 's most ancient forests , has come under attack from environmentalists who claim that it could result in the permanent destruction of the wilderness .
9 Donald Goodenough , in his scholarly review of the very technical evidence on this issue comparing the recall of dreams by different personality types , comes to the conclusion that while repression may be responsible for the forgetting of some dreams , it is not feasible that it could account for the majority .
10 At that time there was effectively two values for the dollar ; one for the value of goods that it could purchase within the coastal boundaries of the U.S.A. , and another in the International Monetary System , amounting to about half its internal purchasing power .
11 Conversely I discovered that it could cut with the disc flat , or at a slight angle , and I can see it having benefits for very fine work .
12 The British government possessed reserve powers , so that it could interfere in the government if it so wished .
13 While there is no evidence of such practices being widespread in the country , the fact that it could happen in the main prison in the capital of India was a matter of scandal .
14 ‘ It is hard to believe that it could come in the Grand National , ’ Gaselee said .
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