Example sentences of "that i have been [verb] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 It 's because of that interest , and those letters , that I 've been sent to do a special report . ’
2 Now the first story that I 've been asked to tell specially comes not from this country we 'll just let our lads here get dressed because you , you knew that the story was gon na come from a very hot country did you ?
3 Because the kind of earthly and human illustrations that I 've been trying to use this morning are all bound to fall short .
4 With an instant return to sweet reasonableness , Andrée said , ‘ Admitted that I 've been trying to seduce you , does n't that only go to show how desperate I am to get my way ?
5 A sergeant appears from what a plate beside the door indicates is the dentist 's and I go up to him and tell him my name and that I 've been told to report my movements by Detective Inspector McDunn .
6 As I 've started writing to ya now , I might as well ask you some stuff that I 've been dying to ask for ages .
7 I know that something new has happened , that I 've been forced to make a connection I 've never made before .
8 Had been appalled to discover , through the industry grapevine , that I 'd been allowed to continue with the assignment after taking such a beating from ben Issachar .
9 Then , later , I believed that I had been born to die for someone .
10 I suspected , too , that I had been meant to see her .
11 It was the first time that I had been picked to run in an individual event against the USA , and I was looking forward to it .
12 By way of example , Figure 7 shows a system that I have been helping to develop for some ten years now ( Smith and Rothman , 1980 ) .
13 In his Chicago lectures , for example , he described how certain passages of Notes toward the Definition of Culture had been exposed as a " mass of contradictions " and , at the end , he also made a rueful disclaimer — " I am quite aware that I have been trying to persuade , although I may not be quite sure of what " .
14 You are a very intelligent girl and you have read a great deal — no , I mean it ; one thing you ca n't say is that I have been trying to flatter you — but you do n't know everything , you do n't know the French , the real French ( though the Fourniers are quite an example of one kind ) , you can have no idea of what life among us is like , the attitudes , the demands ; if you like , the values .
15 My excuse for this lengthy and amateur digression into history is that I have been trying to show how I think geology got into the hands of the theoreticians who were conditioned by the social and political history of their day more than by observations in the field .
16 Here he is , h h he has the very unpleasant duty of explaining and justifying the drafting of this measure a a and I do hope it would be , it would be really rather an unexpected realisation of an ambition , but nevertheless one hopes eternal if my Noble Friend were to get up and say that as a result these few remarks that I have been tempted to make that some kind of effort is going to be made to tidy up as th th the processes whereby er such stuff appears , is allowed to appear on the pages of the Statute Book er er I do recall that when the Charities Bill was going through several committees , my Noble Friend was n't who who was d d dealing with the Bill in , on behalf of the Government was exceedingly helpful and I hope that he will show the same degree of goodwill today er and , and , and er h if he 's very clear and devote is very considerable energies to persuading those professional obs obfuscators who are responsible for this kind of garbage to do better in the future .
17 ‘ You know that I have been asked to give a course of sermons at St Basil 's ?
18 Chairman er , I have a petition that I have been asked to present er at what point do you wish me to do that ?
19 I admit that I have been known to curse on occasion and I often talk to my machine telling it ‘ You will not beat me so you 'd better start behaving ! ’
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