Example sentences of "that should [be] made [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 They conclude : ‘ On the basis of our review , we are not aware of any material modifications that should be made to the interim financial information as presented , and in our opinion it has been prepared using accounting policies consistent with those adopted by the group in its statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 1991 . ’
2 Another qualification that should be made to the picture of a rising trend in women 's paid work is that , as can been seen in figure 10.1 , participation in full-time employment has not risen .
3 One qualification that should be made to the general formula that Lord Goddard laid down in Hinchcliffe v. Sheldon is that it appears to make a person guilty of obstructing by omission , and the view may be expressed that this is not the law .
4 The note gives guidance on the enquiries that should be made about the investment business control environment , including the business 's higher level procedures for complying with the conduct of business rules .
5 The Court , in upholding the LEA 's right not to determine the special educational provision that should be made for the child , drew an important distinction .
6 if the [ LEA ] does not itself decide the special educational provision that should be made for the child , but leaves that to be decided by the school , with remedial classes and other facilities as may be available in the school , the [ LEA ] is not itself determining the special educational provision for the child within the meaning in section 7(1) ; consequently , the [ LEA ] is not obliged to make and maintain a statement … .
7 It is a decision that should be made in the light of medical advice and counselling .
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