Example sentences of "that could [be] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Several organisations pointed out how , for certain large events , they made arrangements with local colleges which run such courses to offer work during term time that could be integrated into the teaching programme .
2 And er I was determined that er we would n't lose hold of this claim because it was a good claim , it was a logical claim , it was one that could be answered by the management and could be er er put into effect without any delay in time .
3 Held , dismissing the appeal , that , if there had been a contravention of section 3 of the Act of 1986 , an order could be made under section 6(2) against both the contravener and persons knowingly concerned in that contravention provided that such order was intended to restore all the parties to specific transactions to their respective former positions and that the steps ordered to be taken were reasonably capable of achieving that object ; that , on a contravention of one of the provisions of section 6(1) ( a ) , an order could be made under the subsection against persons knowingly concerned in the contravention provided that the steps ordered to be taken were reasonably capable of remedying the contravention ; that such restitutionary orders could be made notwithstanding that the persons knowingly concerned had received nothing under the impugned transactions , there being no distinction between the type of order that could be made under the subsections against a contravener and a person knowingly concerned ; and that , accordingly , the judge had been right to dismiss the solicitors ' summons to strike out the S.I.B . 's claims against them ( post , pp. 907C–D , F–G , G–H , 909D–G , G–H , 910D , 913D–G , H — 914A , 915C–D ) .
4 An end-quarter exchange rate is used as interest lies in the gains that could be made over the period in which the yield differential held on average .
5 Chapman told them it was not a decision that could be made by the club .
6 An informal discussion took place between the advocates with the clerk of the court as to the use that could be made by the justices of those statements and that medical report .
7 Two bedrooms and the best furniture that could be made in the Factory .
8 These factors include the type , flammability , fire-load and method of packing of the stored goods , the nature of the racks or shelving , the height of the storage , and the maximum degree of fire growth that could be tolerated before the possibility of controlling the fire is lost .
9 Mr Brooke said the summer 's inter-party discussions were not peace talks as such , but they were one of the pressures that could be mounted on the terrorists .
10 One has only to read the correspondence of F.J. Osborn with Lewis Mumford over these years ( Hughes , 1971 ) to appreciate the single-minded zeal that could be generated for the attainment of the new Jerusalem .
11 As well as the mixed delights of the Glasgow Fair and a wee burst of the cholera mixed in with bread riots , the 1850s saw giant strides in the techniques of battleship-building , and the amount of noise that could be generated in the interests of progress .
12 The biggest daily peak comes around 5.00 pm , as homes switch on before industry switches off : There has been little research on the way consumers would respond to the various kinds of incentive that could be built into the electricity price structure .
13 The length of these lines , measured in squares , represented the number of carriages or wagons that could be built with the material available .
14 An example was given of the type of index entry items that could be supported by the system :
15 In relation to ( e ) , the Consortium needs to know how many IDO claims have already been validated and how many are outstanding that could be affected by the outcome of the Carmel case .
16 According to Olson , it was not the beliefs of the eighteenth century essayists that led to changes in the conception of language and rationality , an assertion that could be tested against the historical evidence , but the forms they used , the alphabet and the essay .
17 They were a delight for the charterers in the Bahamian lagoons , but in an Atlantic storm such wide windows could be our death warrants for if Wavebreaker fell off a big wave the glass could be driven out of the windows and the boat be filling with water in seconds , and so I cut and shaped sheet steel shutters that could be bolted over the boat 's glass at the first sign of bad weather .
18 When the company indicated that it considered it was the fairest situation that could be achieved in the circumstances , the union representatives said that they noted the company 's position .
19 During his tours of the Middle and Far East Duncan Sandys was made well aware by British Governors , High Commissioners and Commanders-in-Chief of the political and military risks that he was taking ; and local political leaders , like the Tunku Abdul Rahman in Malaya and Lee Kuan Yew in Singapore , warned him of the dangers of creating power vacuums that could be exploited by the Communist powers .
20 And I think the main question , and the best question that could be asked to the audience if they really
21 The only noise that could be heard above the gentle contentment of seaside Scotland was the sound of the national team arriving at the Queens Hotel in Largs .
22 If the firm has to reinvest some of its earnings to survive , then those retained earnings are not true economic income that could be consumed by the shareholder without reducing the share 's consumption-generating power in the future .
23 Sports groups said it would mean the loss of open space that could be given to the public .
24 Branson did not need them to tell him the damage that could be done to the airline 's reputation by a story appearing about engine failure on the day before the inaugural flight .
25 The first machines that could be connected to the public telephone networks were introduced in the 1950s , and at this point today 's enthusiasm for fax might have been expected to appear .
26 A probability was assigned to any word string that could be formed from the spoken input .
27 That realisation is a product of the power of rational thought which came to the emerging ‘ human' ’ being in the course of the evolutionary process , for it is in remote retrospect that man can now see that the division of the first cell was a ‘ good ’ event , and had to be defined as such for the unanswerable reason that it could not have been anything else , otherwise there was nothing that could be defined as the origin of ‘ good ’ that was not dependent on dogma and superstition .
28 Hence their wariness of any human concepts about God which threatened to become a new idolatry that could be mistaken for the reality itself .
29 In future when I land at anything other than properly documented airfields I will ask the question : Are there any other runways or strips that look like runways in the vicinity that could be mistaken for the active runway ?
30 After being endlessly reassured that , ‘ it 's not the tractor , it 's how long he stays out that field ploughing , ’ we give up craving a member that could be mistaken for the Eiffel Tower .
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