Example sentences of "that would [be] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 To put that off , she needed to make headway that would be noticed in the real world .
2 I do not suppose that in every case it would be worth the trouble that would be caused to the taxing authorities if they were to inquire into every deposit account and find if the interest had been increased , unless it had been increased by a large amount .
3 Even this type of housing , however , is not always allocated solely according to need and council tenants are expected to pay economic rents , i.e. rents that would be charged in the private market .
4 The seller might wish to cancel the contract if it proves too difficult or costly to perform , but this is not a feature of the straightforward contracts that would be covered by the use of Precedent 1 .
5 This meant either working out very accurate tables of the movements of the moon or devising a chronometer which could keep time for a voyage of months or years without relying on a pendulum that would be disturbed by the rolling of the ship .
6 It is the Union of the United Kingdom that would be breached by the sort of proposals that the Labour party identifies .
7 Will my hon. Friend confirm that he received representations from both the British Tourist Authority and the English tourist board about the damage that would be done to the industry by the restrictions on part-time working and on working hours which are so beloved of Labour ?
8 If the Minister were to detail the matters , he would strengthen his position in Europe by showing the massive discrimination and harm that would be done to the Scottish agricultural industry .
9 For instance , suppose that in tigers there is a particular gene which , by means of its sideways influence in cells of the jaw , causes the teeth to be a little sharper than those that would be grown under the influence of a rival gene .
10 The job losses in United Kingdom defence industries as a result of the change of emphasis in British procurement are as nothing compared with those that would be suffered under the Labour party 's defence policy — if so dignified a term can be used for something so confused , contradictory and misleading .
11 And , as I stooped to get back under cover , I recalled that there would , even from the sanest , be a concession to superstition that would be gone by the morning , a belief that the beginning of the year foreshadowed the character of the rest .
12 When everybody is for clean air and against pollution [ it is indeed ] difficult politically to vote for any amendment that would be characterized by the press as weakening the bill .
13 The main consideration was undoubtedly the increase in heavy goods vehicles that would be generated by the new development and the consequent increase in noise levels , in particular night-time levels in Medway Road and Bridge Road .
14 In doing so , the quota is defined along the lines traditionally followed in the international trade literature regarding the equivalence between tariffs and quotas from Shibata ( 1968 ) onwards , i.e. the quota is the level of imports that would be generated by the optimal tariff .
15 When the Secretary of State announced in August this year the route that would be followed by the high-speed link , it was a tremendous disappointment to the local authorities and consortiums in the north of England that the link would come from the east through Stratford to King 's Cross .
16 The other side of the picture was the very severe hardship that would be faced by the families , their witnesses and supporters if they all had to travel out of Orkney for the case .
17 Here we assess the importance of these contacts , and also of contacts that would be made between the C-helices of the protein and DNA in a previous model of the complex , by studying mutations aimed at disrupting them .
18 Army overstretch was not the only awkward legacy that would be bequeathed by the Conservatives to their socialist successors .
19 He had not learned the right lesson , however , nor did he have a solution to the problem that would be posed by the mud created by rain and his own artillery .
20 The rule is justified by the burden that would be placed upon legal advisers and the uncertainty that would be introduced into the law if such historical materials had to be consulted .
21 He imagined with pleasure the bollocking that would be administered to the men who had been on duty the previous night .
22 Equation ( 2.2 ) suggests that the chosen wealth measure has the characteristics that would be expected of the ‘ true ’ wealth series since the imposition of a unit wealth elasticity proves data acceptable with a Wald statistic .
23 As the shuttle dropped towards the station 's central bulk , Ace found it even more disturbing that she could identify , nestling between ridges of ruched titanium or perhaps in the centre of an ammonite-like coil , a few of the features that would be expected on the outside of a space station .
24 They had written the letters that would be read during the week by the camp censors , that would be passed or slashed or shredded .
25 The District Council has accommodated the highest proportion of Greater York growth of all the districts surrounding York over the last ten years , and therefore I think it likely that it would expected to accommodate the largest proportion of the fourteen hundred dwellings that would be accommodated in the new settlement , erm I do not think that any of the settlements or that there is sufficient land within the Southern Ryedale area to accommodate that level of development without adversely affecting character of the settlements , or compromising greenbelt objectives , as I mentioned this morning , and also I question whether or not erm whether th most of the settlements in the Southern Ryedale area have only a minimal s minimal service base anyway on which to tack any large housing growths , and I do n't necessarily foresee any subsequent rise in the service base of those settlements as a result of the housing being added on to them .
26 Although the conceptual foundations of the challenge to the old order were different , transcendental anatomy raised issues that would be associated with the theory of evolution through into the era of Darwinism .
27 For example , when the State Department 's Far Eastern Office was trying , unsuccessfully , to put together a compromise paper that would be agreed with the European Office , one may applaud the objective of an Indo-China that was to be fully self-governed , autonomous , and democratic : but there was a world of difference between a ‘ national ’ and a ‘ federal ’ government which would become obvious as events unfolded and the qualification , which Moffat and his colleagues seemed to accept , to full self-government which was explicit in Indo-China 's recommended partnership in the French Union , and was , by implication reserved to France as a matter of imperial concern , precisely the point , or at least the formality , which produced the irreparable break between France and Ho 's infant Republic .
28 Nevertheless , they appear to be of a type that would be used in the manufacture of bulk chemicals . ’
29 All winners of certificates and awards were written to individually asking them to check the details on their forms as this was the information that would be used in the presentations .
30 This is the explanation that would be used in the case of the sentences suggested in 19.1 :
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