Example sentences of "that she [vb past] [adv] [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Its warm radiance drove the shivers from her and she was glad to see that she had n't disturbed Antoine .
2 She was motoring through Germany , though , when it suddenly dawned on her that she had n't asked Cara that most fundamental of questions — when was she supposed to return to England ?
3 After Annie had left , Kelly realized that she had n't asked Cy for a lift home .
4 The fact that she had n't seen Guy since made the episode in the Caribbean seem dreamlike — or nightmarish , she amended bitterly .
5 A traitor , a mean , dirty traitor , standing here and listening and letting Mr Evans go on thinking that she had n't liked Hepzibah .
6 Known so well , perhaps , that she had not know Auntie truly for what she really was , until then .
7 She was happy because we believed that she had not killed William .
8 In her confusion , as she continued the preparations for the meal , she looked over to him to ascertain that she had not given offence .
9 Perhaps , by her action , to convince him that she had not turned traitor to the King .
10 As Miranda was halfway down the dark and narrow stairwell , she realised who it was who had so disarmed Madame that she had not scolded Marie-Angèle ( for not being downstairs to hand , to run the message up to Mlle Everard ) , or waited to reproach Miranda herself for allowing visitors to call without appointments and cause all this trouble to her hostess in the Hotel Davenant .
11 A suggestion that she had consciously paraded temptation before him ?
12 She had been so terrifically busy lately that she had scarcely had time to go near the beach , except for odd moments snatched while she was shopping .
13 The third fall after the oil strike in Alberta came slowly in , while Isobel mourned her husband , quite unaware that she had mortally offended Mrs Frizzell by crowding her August garden party off the social page of the Tollemarche Advent .
14 Her next door neighbour , a Mrs. Ellen Greaves , gave evidence that she had constantly challenged Esther Dyson in sign language ( which she had learnt through daily contact with the deaf brother and sister ) over the preceding few months about her being in the family way .
15 The fact that she had recently married A E Hook 's senior partner Charles Bullworthy was not a deciding factor , she stresses .
16 As she said this , Alex felt her face begin to flush , aware that she had originally invited Matthew Prescott .
17 She thought that she had always believed Mo was better company than any person could ever be ; now she saw she had been wrong .
18 Hume 's wife sued , claiming that she had never met Setty , let alone had an affair with or a child by him .
19 A woman called Charlotte Culham gave evidence that she had often seen Mrs Dyer with small children , and also seen her with packages that resembled the bodies of small children .
20 She had been so busy with her dress house in Rome , coping with her designer , planning for the future and ensuring that everyone in the business was kept happy — each of which seemed a full-time job in itself — that she had hardly had time to spare for her three children , let alone her mother .
21 ‘ I suppose her memory 's a bit faulty , ’ Irene commented on the old lady 's assertion that she 'd never seen Elaine .
22 And it was her second car that she 'd ever had sort of thing .
23 She looked at his imploring face , and felt a stab of guilt , that he was right , that she 'd better take care … .
24 The back of her hand was pressed violently to her mouth , she dimly realised , and she was biting her knuckle so hard that she 'd almost drawn blood .
25 Her perception of physics as a discipline is one that is about ideas and concepts ; she said that she 'd always found physics much more ‘ dynamic ’ than ‘ static ’ subjects like chemistry and geography .
26 She told herself , now again , that she knew how to handle Papa .
27 When Sue first publicly confessed that she regretted not having children , she received bundles of letters , mostly from other women in similar situations .
28 She forgot that she had decided that she did not love Johnny and wanted him out of her life .
29 Leith began , but , when she was about to declare that she did not love Travis , she suddenly remembered that , in covering for him and Rosemary , she could not be selective .
30 Then suddenly , while aware she had told him that she did not love Travis , she realised that here was her chance of clouding the issue of who it was that she did love .
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