Example sentences of "that they have [been] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Why are there grave areas , areas of uncertainty and responsibility erm Rivers Authority er Area Manager I believe , Mr er presented the position from their point of view er in particular circumstances on the night of thirtieth December er the er Southern Water whose responsibility is primarily sewage erm er describes circumstances that they have been contending with and a great deal of criticism erm was what we had to anticipate if you like or do anything er to contend with the unusual circumstances of that night erm the consequence was that a large number of new houses in the very close to the that runs through Barnham and under the railway there erm and er not ordinary surplus water flooding , but sewage flooding and the consequences then for many years er it 's obviously going to give , quite apart from having to live with it , er it will on the properties themselves and adversely affect er the ability of individuals to sell them off .
2 The idea of them having to bring fortnightly evidence that they have been looking for work when in the majority of cases they are not even permitted onto premises to ask for a job suggests an obvious indifference on the part of the policy makers .
3 The majority of doctors are simply not aware of the dangers attached to Depo-Provera and other injectable contraceptives , nor that they have been prohibited in other countries .
4 Picture to yourself the furore which they will make in the world when people read on the title-page that they have been composed by a seven-year-old child ; and when the sceptics are challenged to test him , as he already has been , imagine the sensation when he asks someone to write down a minuet or some tune or other and then immediately and without touching the clavier writes in the bass and , if it is wanted , the second violin part … every day God performs fresh miracles through this child .
5 The penultimate saga of the Entebbe Four ( ‘ Chimpanzees on the run ’ , October ) is that they have been repatriated from Hungary to Uganda , where they are waiting in Entebbe Zoo to move to a semi-wild setting in their native land , courtesy of the Jane Goodall Institute .
6 Research has also indicated that many members of the upper strata owe their position primarily to the fact that they have been born into those strata and have capitalized on the advantages provided by their social background .
7 And women have not been present in those circles with the result that they have been deprived of the means to participate in the construction of forms of thought which are relevant or adequate to express their own experience , ( Spender , 1981 , p. 3 ) .
8 " I have been connected with different unions for this last twenty years " , he declared to the Royal Commission on Labour in 1892 , " but I am sorry to state that they have been formed for the benefit of one man , for he has generally cleared out with the funds " .
9 And they are losing their tradition of the food that they have been getting from Eastern Europe .
10 Danie Visser took the opportunity of his selection to South Africa 's first Davis Cup team to be announced since 1978 , to protest that they have been placed in the bottom Group , so that it will take them at least three years to qualify for the World Group .
11 Does he agree that such improvements are a key component in a strong economy and that they have been achieved through the Government 's industrial relations laws , which the Opposition parties wish to repeal ?
12 In addition , there are the policies that they have been advocating from the Front Bench this afternoon on the European social action programme , a national statutory minimum wage and trade union law reform , which would make it easier to strike and to have more frequent and more damaging strikes .
13 In view of developments it might be argued that they have been justified in this view .
14 An important factor in the crisis is the awakening realisation among West Germans that they have been tricked into pretending this peculiar arrangement of subsidising their compatriots ' oppressors was normal .
15 I am sure that , subject to Mr. Speaker 's ruling , it will be in order to discuss these matters — I know that they have been raised in previous autumn statement debates .
16 Although I have great respect for W. 's consultant and for the dedication of the staff , it seems to me that they have been manoeuvred into a position from which a change is necessary , even if it is a change that carries the risk of interpretation by W. as ‘ yet another adult rejection and failure . ’
17 Would my right hon. Friend care to come to the county town of Lancaster to see how outstandingly well our schools , under local management , are spending their money now that they have been freed from an extravagant county council which never had the right priorities and always deprived our schools of the money that they should have had ?
18 Animals arrive with forged documentation which claims that they have been bred in captivity , and which therefore entitles them to be taken on to other western destinations .
19 ‘ I do not wish to be hard upon poor people in great affliction ; but I can not help thinking that they have been doing for hundreds of years past something very like what the Bible calls ‘ tempting God' ’ — staking their property and their lives upon the chances or no earthquakes coming , while they ought to have known that an earthquake might come an day . ’
20 Similar findings have also been reported in patients with chronic atrophic gastritis , Which suggests that they have been infected with H pylori at some point in their lives .
21 The success of these names is shown by the fact that they have been admired by Chinese scholars such as Dr Lin Yutang , Dr Cheng Te-K'un , Dr Hollington Tong and others .
22 The medical journals still present a variety of possible remedies , many of which sound most desperate and bizarre missionaries report from China that they have been cured by having needles stuck into their bellies and arms , yet this is not thought too strange to mention … and almost every variety of chemical substance has been proposed at one time or another , all of which is a sure sign that our profession remains baffled by this disease . "
23 The information required will be — the full names of the ceased person , and any other names that they have been known by , including the maiden surname of a woman who has been married ; their date and place of birth ; their recent occupation , and their husband 's full name and occupation , if the person who has died was a married woman .
24 Furthermore the meeting urges the CLE , in the course of its review , to reconsider the position of individual students who believe that they have been discriminated against or otherwise unfairly treated .
25 Some return to the surface with scars on their snouts which suggest that they have been battling with creatures possessing suckers 13 centimetres across , and squid beaks even bigger than that of the Norwegian giant have been found in their stomachs .
26 If there are to be company spokesmen involved in the filming , it is your job to make sure that they are there when they are wanted and that they have been briefed on what to say .
27 I 'm also an alternative therapist and I do find that this is one of the major problems , that ninety percent of my patients who come to me suffer from stress and depression , and really what has happened in a lot of cases is that they have been put on valium and drugs , they find the side effects are horrific !
28 Cllr Murphy told The Scotsman : ‘ Councillors have told me that they have been put under pressure when short-leeting . ’
29 The second area requiring legislation is where older people have been discriminated against to such an extent that they have been put in jeopardy .
30 Sad to report , then , that they have been taken into the studio with this album and produced .
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