Example sentences of "that it should [adv] [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 … If in such a case the circumstances be such at the time when the act or neglect occurs that it should reasonably be foreseen that the person in fact injured thereby might be so injured , then at the time of the injury a relationship giving rise to a duty exists .
2 If fitting a horizontal heater , remember that it should neither be positioned below the level of the cold water inlet nor interfere with any indirect coil inside the cylinder .
3 He claimed that such irregularities invalidated the order and that it should accordingly be set aside .
4 In addition such strategical decisions may be based on episodic memories for particular instances of driving the planned route , for example , the memory that you encountered road works at a particular junction recently and that it should thus be avoided until they have been completed .
5 If there is a particular liability that is causing concern which has been identified prior to contract but is not precisely quantifiable , it may be appropriate that it should not be covered by a warranty at all but by an indemnity or other specific provision .
6 He also declared that he agreed " with our European allies that an American military presence in Europe is essential — and that it should not be tied solely to the Soviet military presence in eastern Europe " .
7 He said that it should not be regarded as a luxury but used for education , rural development and economic reform : the time had come , he said , ‘ for television to change its outlook in this country in order to suit the requirements of a developing country like Zambia ’ .
8 President Mikhail Gorbachev , commenting on the letter in a speech to a meeting of Komsomol ( Young Communist League ) activists in Moscow on April 10 , stated that it should not be regarded as a call for a party purge , but that people at odds with CPSU policy should leave the party voluntarily .
9 It is essential once a feed has been dropped that it should not be reinstated in a moment of weakness .
10 It is a nonsense to say that an SBU is a ‘ dog ’ but that it should not be treated as a ‘ dog ’ because it is not really a ‘ dog ’ at all .
11 The pattern differs from that associated with efficiency and threat : the least experienced teachers are more or less neutral , the most experienced are negative , feeling that there should be personal professional benefit ( i.e. , promotion ) in return for involvement in SSE ; that more information and debate are needed about it and that it should not be made compulsory .
12 2.41 He went on to say that it should not be assumed that the wife 's dependency ought to be calculated on the footing that it would have ceased when her husband ceased earning before he reached 65 .
13 It seemed that he used a safety-pin inserted into the urethra for the purposes of masturbation and , in order that it should not be lost , he tied a length of cotton to it .
14 Harfleur was taken by siege and in the year which followed , everything was done to ensure that it should not be lost .
15 The two countries finally agreed that the matter was an internal problem for the Papua New Guinea government and that it should not be raised officially at the Forum meeting .
16 Everyone feels the need nowadays to qualify the term ‘ Third World ’ , stating quite correctly that it should not be taken to imply a homogeneous entity .
17 The only other alternative would be for the court to disregard one of the clauses and hold that one party had , by conduct , accepted the other party 's terms and waived its own , including the provision providing that it should not be taken as accepting any other terms .
18 It was laid down in the 1991 Duopoly Review that it should not be allowed to offer entertainment until at least 1997 , when the situation will again be reviewed , and possibly for another three years after that .
19 It is not proposed to discuss the aesthetics of this usage for the text writer ; all that I wish to say is that it should not be copied by the student , for in his mouth it sounds too grandiloquent .
20 When there is this kind of historical development of a signal system it is important that it should not be read back in the exclusive terms of later signals .
21 The educational implication is not that the contestation of caricatures of black histories and cultures in school texts should cease , but that it should not be premised on the stifling aesthetic of the positive image .
22 She says that it should not be sold .
23 Evans J. held that a request by the foreign court for a particular mode of examination to be followed should be complied with , in the exercise of discretion , unless what was asked for was so contrary to English established procedures that it should not be permitted ; although in the spirit of the Convention , this ruling is not altogether easy to reconcile with the language of the Act .
24 Lord Reid thought that the multiplier of 12 years was low , but in that he differed from some of his brother judges who thought that it was high but that it should not be interfered with .
25 However , there has been considerable controversy over the meaning of the link between events and depression — whether in fact the existence of a psychosocial stressor makes a depressive response so understandable that it should not be considered a disease .
26 There was strong support for the apprenticeship system and concern that it should not be downgraded .
27 His example shows us that it matters how our anger is expressed , and that it should not be left to simmer unattended .
28 In his zeal , Bennett and his allies are asserting that the pleasure is so obvious ( otherwise people would n't use crack ) that it should not be mentioned ; and that crack is so dangerous its pleasures should be suppressed lest others follow Morley 's example .
29 Gandhi claims that it can not be used in an unjust cause but what he might mean is that it should not be used in an unjust cause .
30 . We are clear that it should not be used as a punishment or as a deterrent , and we think that there should always be an alternative task available for men for whom stone-breaking is unsuitable . ’
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