Example sentences of "that it [verb] [to-vb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However , the government demanded a five-year grace period before paying into the UN-supervised compensation fund for Kuwaiti victims of Iraq 's occupation and the ensuing war , on the grounds that it had to meet domestic needs first , including the US$194,000 million cost of reconstruction .
2 Japan , which would be the only remaining IWC member in favour of whaling if Norway left , says that it plans to use this year 's meeting , to be held in Kyoto , to " press for the resumption of commercial whaling around Japan and in the northern Atlantic " .
3 Without the original bill we can not be certain of the government 's objectives ; but on balance it seems unlikely that it wished to replace statutory legislation by proclamation .
4 The college 's development plan reveals that it hopes to give 700 pupils a year a taste of education in one of nine countries funds permitting .
5 So the surprising feature of Ibstock Johnsen is that it continues to make any money at all .
6 To do that , it assesses the difference in intensity of the sound in each ear and the infinitesimal difference in time that it takes to reach one ear before the other .
7 Warwick Collins points out that the keel design not only has a distinct draught advantage over a fin keel , but also claims that it helps to damp any pitching motion in a seaway .
8 This is deliberate , in that it helps to identify key questions about support in families which need to be addressed in later chapters .
9 Carbon has four electrons that it uses to form chemical bonds .
10 Clinton favours national health spending caps and managed care networks to keep health costs from rising faster than average incomes , and the play or pay concept ( whereby employers either provide employees with healthcare benefits or pay the government a tax that it uses to provide medical benefits ) to guarantee universal health care coverage .
11 The following weekend , the French referendum on Sept. 20 on ratification of the Maastricht Treaty produced a majority in favour , but so narrow that it failed to dispel growing doubts about the integration process .
12 In a statement issued after the meeting the resolution was described as " totally unacceptable " on the grounds that it failed to condemn Palestinian violence and questioned Israel 's sovereignty over Jerusalem .
13 One of the key main objections to the Accord was that it failed to offer sufficient protection to Quebec 's English-speaking minority .
14 It is only through feminist psychology 's attention to work like Ladner 's Afrocentric sociology , that it comes to consider specific features of black girls ' socialization in their families and communities ( Williams 1979 ) .
15 The problem for the potential incumbent is that it has to get enough customers signed up to enable the prices quoted to be profitable .
16 Similarly , in response to the Feb. 19 announcement by the major car manufacturer Autolatina ( the holding company for Ford and Volkswagen in Brazil ) that it intended to shed 8,000 jobs , workers at two car plants in Sao Bernardo near Sao Paulo stopped production and blocked a highway , and leaders of the Sao Paulo Metal Worker 's Union stated that they would not accept the dismissals .
17 It is hard to believe that it intended to withhold that protection in all cases where a jury might think that the place in question was not necessary or desirable or where the authorities could not by evidence justify their policies to a jury 's satisfaction .
18 In a large frying or saute pan put a slab of butter ( I use a good quality butter and find that it pays to prepare 2 lb. at a time since it keeps almost indefinitely and is immeasurably superior to fresh butter for frying bread , croquettes , rissoles , fish cakes , veal escalopes , fish à la meunière and a score of other tricky cooking jobs ) .
19 In short , revisionist economic historians have played down the significance of the reforms introduced after 1905 , and controverted the liberal belief that it promised to bring social stability to the countryside .
20 The US says that it intends to axe one satellite .
21 Since the socialist government has said that it intends to pass this year 's defence bill anyway , it was the duty of the opposition to move a vote of no confidence .
22 The scheme does not cover owner-occupiers who require assistance with mortgage interest payments , or boarders requiring help with their board and lodging charges , although the Government has given notice that it intends to review these payments .
23 Norway has announced that it intends to catch 382 minke whales over the next three years .
24 The jockeying for position has begun and the Civic Forum 's statement that it intends to contest those elections has met with opposition from within its ranks .
25 One of the main criticisms of The Health of the Nation is that it fails to pay serious attention to health inequalities .
26 KnowledgeWare Inc , Atlanta warns that it expects to report non-recurring charges of $20m for its fiscal third quarter to March 31 from acquisitions and restructuring and expansion of product lines , and that this will lead to a loss for the quarter and for the year ; it also says that lower revenues combined with operating costs associated with the acquisitions are expected to contribute to a third quarter operating loss ; it looks for growth in European revenues .
27 Vienna , Virginia-based Legent Corp warns that it expects to report net profit of about $18.4m or $0.52 per share for the second quarter ended Aprch 31 , compared with the $0.44 before charges that it reported last year ; turnover will be about flat with the $102.5m a year ago : the news caused a bloodbath in the Legent share price , which slumped 16% , $6.125 , to land up at $33.25 .
28 It has been attacked on the grounds that it attempts to relate particular skills to different levels of management , or that it sectionalises/parochialises management thinking .
29 It 's no good just saying you can report fraud er to er t t to the regulator , they should also be responsible to the shareholders , the stake holders , everybody involved er in er er er a company er and in fact er they are n't they have really responsibility to no one except the directors er who appoint them , the company share holders are given very little information , the choice of auditors er is firmly in the director 's director 's hands , the depositors , the consumers , the employees er have no say er in the appointment of er auditors and more important the recent legal cases for instance and the Al Saudi Bank er er and Berg er sons er and company also decided that er auditors do n't owe a duty of care er to individual shareholders , potential investors , the current or potential creditors er even though that information is supposed to be there to help markets understand what is happening to that committee and the government showed no indication that it wants to reverse these judgements , it should reverse them , there should be specific responsibilities attached to er auditors to give them a duty of care er so that we get the information er and er spend more widely and the share holders and the stake holders know what 's going on er er er as well as er the bank or the financial er institution er itself .
30 Propaganda actions , such as Christmas sales of excess butter , failed to stop the complaints about the policy : that it tended to help large farms , which could adopt intensive production methods , rather than the needy ; that it distorted world markets and upset the US , which threatened a trade war with the EC over CAP in 1986 — 7 ; and that it harmed the environment by encouraging the use of chemical fertilisers .
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