Example sentences of "that it [verb] [adj] [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Under the auspices of Scottish/Canadian editor Andy Gray , the paper was faced with a dilemma and one that it had great difficulty resolving , namely how a paper still steeped in show business traditions could come to terms with a new music that was deliberately and defiantly anti-commerciality and the supposed ‘ circus ’ of the pop world .
2 It will also handle both little and big endian byte ordering so as to be able to run personal computer operating systems such as Windows NT as well as Unix , although the company denied that it had any plans to support NT on it — the capability is simply there if anyone wants it in the future , the company said .
3 A child under 10 incurs no criminal liability for its acts ; a child over 9 , but under 14 , incurs no such liability , unless it is shown that it had sufficient capacity to know that its act was wrong .
4 Since the Great War , 1914–18 , it has been practiced by wage-earners , suffering from long periods of unemployment and underemployment , so drastic that it seemed abject folly to produce children who could neither be adequately nourished nor sufficiently educated to secure a satisfactory livelihood .
5 Perhaps this a characteristic to be expected of a country where it is said that one person in every three is a civil servant and that it requires 72 government permits to open a mild bar .
6 Its greatest drawback is that it requires human beings to adapt themselves to the production process , and in most Western countries , there has been a reaction against this requirement .
7 Standing up to straighten his back , he would take as many as half a dozen buds , popping them all into his mouth , then down he 'd go , snick , snick , bud in , and on to the next — he went so fast that it took two assistants following behind and tying in to keep up with him !
8 Balor had two eyes , one being invested with so much evil power that it took four men to lift the eye-lid .
9 Images of Nazism and the war appear so often on the screen that it took some effort to realise that these were real people inside those costumes ; that the peaked cap and leather boots were n't on hire from the wardrobe department .
10 The responsibility had lain so heavily that it took some time to readjust .
11 They would have married sooner but had to wait for her divorce ; Pamela Chrimes told me that it took some time to obtain the evidence of adultery which was then necessary .
12 Such was the official secrecy , or confusion , that it took several weeks to confirm that no RCM boys were among the casualties .
13 Frequently the results were so error-prone that it took more effort to correct the translation than it actually did to manually translate the text .
14 It was only after the rebellion of autumn 1483 had demonstrated that Richard had lost the support of a significant number of his brother 's men , that it made political sense to indulge in general criticism of Edward IV 's reign .
15 It was only after the rebellion of autumn 1483 had demonstrated that Richard had lost the support of a significant number of his brother 's men , that it made political sense to indulge in general criticism of Edward IV 's reign .
16 The benefit of the system was that it demanded that society intervened for those who were under great pressure and could not take the stress .
17 Mr Keith cited three examples of information on the map , prepared for the association , which he disputes : that it takes four-and-a-half hours to travel from his home town of Durness , in Sutherland , to Inverness ; that from Dunvegan , on Skye , to Inverness , via Portree , takes four hours 45 minutes , and that Inverness to Dalwhinnie takes one hour 25 minutes .
18 And then someone else at Ladymont once said that it takes two men to rape you .
19 I was questioned about this in recent years when I visited the Camp during one of my lecture rounds to the ATC in the Highlands , but I only add this yarn to illustrate that it takes all kinds to make any air force station , and I am sure our childrens ' children will be told and the tale will no doubt be embroidered to suit the occasion .
20 If this book has a significant weakness , it is simply that it takes three chapters to get into its stride .
21 We do not know how this activated state is subsequently maintained throughout the healing process , although the final overrun and pile-up suggest that it takes some time to switch off .
22 Remorseful Prober is like Naive Prober , except that it takes active steps to break out of runs of alternating recrimination .
23 And the finding that it takes 400 msec to generate the electrical activity associated with the meaning of visually presented words suggests that this is one of the most complex activities our perceptual systems are asked to perform .
24 In Yugoslavia 's biggest postwar strike , nearly 700,000 workers in Serbia 's textile , leather and metallurgical industries stopped work on April 16 to demand that the Serbian government pay them the guaranteed minimum monthly wage , backdated to January , and that it abolish new taxes introduced at the end of 1990 .
25 One more positive criticism of the Economic theory of regulation is that it lacks sufficient structure to make it testable .
26 The thing is that it costs 40 lira to go up now , but if he had waited just one hour more , till the 11 a.m. departure , he would have had to pay only two lira .
27 As well as distributing the new version 1.2 of Aspect , due out at the end second quarter , Goldmine claims that it has other distribution deals in the pipeline to be announced over the next few weeks .
28 Staff at the Commission have claimed that it has insufficient funds to do this .
29 They have called on the Northern Regional Health Authority to issue a categorical denial that it has any plans to merge 15 health care districts into six super districts .
30 We at Select were appalled at the severity of the court judgement against your magazine and believe that it raises serious impediments to press freedom .
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