Example sentences of "that have [been] [verb] for [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Each morning temple drummers beat a tattoo to mark the passing of another stage in a year-long ritual that has been followed for more than a thousand years .
2 It is argued that the traditional bureaucratic mechanistic structure that has been operating for so long can no longer cope with the dynamic environment that we now live in .
3 An event that has been occurring for only five years before the enactment of the 1986 Act is of a more dubious standing .
4 All stock that has been held for more than twenty months at the balance sheet date will be written down to scrap value with reference to independently verifiable third party documentation ;
5 The Right Hon John Patten MP , Minister of State for the Home Office ( right ) , comments that , ‘ Victim Support has deservedly grown fast because it meets a long-standing and deep need that had been neglected for far too long .
6 A lone man at nearly midnight , wearing a thin jacket in a storm that had been blowing for over an hour …
7 I will quote from it , because it is important to do so in the context of the reasons that have been given for not giving the WEU control of defence .
8 Because that 's the old term that 's been used for however many years , and it 's still used by industry .
9 A woman has offered to spend a hundred thousand pounds of her own money to reopen a village school that 's been closed for over a year .
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