Example sentences of "that have [adv] been [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 The real danger today is not of being seen to condone precipitate separatism but , through the impotence of our response so far , of being seen to condone brutal and barbaric behaviour of a kind that has not been seen in Europe since the 1940s .
2 Having reached the last four of the Tennents Scottish Cup , it is not beyond them to go on to beat Aberdeen or Clydebank at Tynecastle next month and pursue a piece of silverware that has not been seen in the boardroom at Easter Road since the turn of the century .
3 Something that has not been illustrated in Collectair in the past is the printed and illustrated match-slip ( or book-matches ) .
4 The rhythm is responding to an external influence that has not been controlled in the experimental protocol .
5 POLLING stations 83 and 84 for the village of Hath Qila lie down a dusty track that must be one of the few roads that has not been metalled in the five years that Mr Rajiv Gandhi has been cosseting his home constituency of Amethi .
6 It means a purchase that has n't been planned in advance .
7 Erm one of the points that has n't been mentioned in terms of the benefits discussed earlier is that the forecasts are that n because of the horrendous accident record of the A sixty one , that transfer of thirty percent of the traffic onto a high standard , modern and much safer road , will result in a reduction in between seven hundred and a thousand people er being injured on the A sixty one during the thirty year er lifespan of the western relief road .
8 According to the outgoing editor , Mr Peter Stanford , she also has glamour of a kind that has rarely been seen in the paper 's musty offices .
9 It was a positive answer to an appalling problem that has since been copied in different forms by many other industries .
10 It reviews research that has already been conducted in this area and offers suggestions as to what may be priorities for future support .
11 Most ELT series are intended to supplement what is in the textbook not to replace it and they are intended to be used to consolidate the learning of language that has already been presented in another form .
12 Another reason for the prominence of And waited in the above example is that it repeats verbatim information that has already been established in the previous sentence .
13 As we will show , the reality revealed in the pupils ' speech is very different from the reality that has often been reported in the media .
14 By Christmas , few readers of these home interest magazines will be unfamiliar with the name Stoddard Templeton , a name that has now been advertised in separate campaigns for three successive years .
15 and ‘ beyond some point that has long been surpassed in crowded industrial societies , conditions of use tend to deteriorate as use becomes more widespread ’ ( pp. 2–3 ) .
16 But you never know , it may be tat all at once you recognise something of yourself that has long been buried in your subconscious .
17 There is widespread suspicion that the two firms , along with the rest of the nuclear industry , were appalled by the revelations about operating methods at the power station that had already been given in testimony .
18 The Tunnel was the British version of a film that had already been made in France and Germany , about a crazed engineer who sacrifices his family in order to complete the construction of a link between Britain and America .
19 Fleischmann and Pons set out on a different course initially , but one that had already been charted in Europe in the 1920s and 30s .
20 As a consequence the PFA continued to support George Eastham 's legal battle and it was not until 1964 that the case came to court and Sir Justice Wilberforce established the players ' legal right to the second freedom that had already been negotiated in 1961 .
21 Hayley Burton was thin and very pale , with small sores around her mouth and nose , greasy fair hair that had n't been washed in weeks , and dark-shadowed pale blue eyes .
22 Kenya has been the least affected , because it had never occupied a strategically important corner of a continent that had largely been ignored in the bipolar world of the superpowers .
23 When biologists studying these birds added extra shade to some territories , the birds exhibited something that had not been seen in this species before ; trigamy , males with three mates .
24 Sometimes on progresses through the country she would depart from her official schedule and visit some village that had not been sanitized in advance .
25 In the analysis of linguistic variation , therefore , we were looking for fine details of variation-variation that shows internal patterning within the speech community , but which may have no social meaning for outsiders — and in the first application for funding it was specified that the research was intended to extend the quantitative methodology to a type of community that had not been studied in this way before .
26 But even that had not been discussed in detail at home .
27 It is quite possible clearly that that number could be reduced , during the consultation process on the on the local plan , I think that 's an important point because of the issue of windfall that was mentioned by Mr Davis , and was raised yesterday , reference to historic trends in the city of York do show that erm we have exceeded structure plan targets by substantial amounts , I think the figure is is forty percent or or more , er the County Council could confirm that , slightly difficult calculation to do because I 'm sure you 'll be aware that to our eternal shame , the City Council has not to date adopted a formal local plan , with reference erm to your question on day one er as to whether or not we might calculate contribution of windfalls in the past , we have looked at the nineteen eighty seven residential land availability er study , which was agreed with the house builders , adjacent districts , and of course the County , and in the five year period of that study , by comparison with the sites that we agreed in the study , an additional four hundred and thirty dwellings came forward and were completed on sites that had not been identified in the study , now I 'd I would say very clearly that that level of windfalls erm would not continue in the future and it could not be a reliable basis for erm looking at windfall contributions in the city in the future , clearly the supply of development land in the city is a is a finite resource , er given given the constraints that are current holding , and although some additional windfalls to the two hundred I 'd suggested in my H One may come forward , on the other hand I suspect some of the sites suggested in the draft local plan could fall out of the equation .
28 By the fifteenth century the King of England was Lord of Ireland , though his new territory was separate enough to have its own parliament , whose power was reduced but not eliminated by Poyning 's Law of 1495 , which forbade it to pass any law that had not been approved in advance by the King and his council .
29 A financial document that had NOT been used in the compilation of the corpus was selected as test data ( this was the same document as used in the earlier investigations of Chapter Three ) .
30 In 1969 , Ian Greer , a former Conservative Party agent , brought to Britain a craft that had long been established in America : the political consultant or professional lobbyist .
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