Example sentences of "that the [noun pl] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 In some departments , noticeably the music departments , there was evident relief that the restrictions caused by the previous ‘ O ’ level system had been eradicated , and that at long last an examination had been introduced that corresponded more closely to the actual nature of their subject .
2 ( No. 2 ) , the facts of which have already been summarised , and in which it was held that the restrictions imposed on the bringing of a direct civil action for breach of a statute could not be outflanked by framing the claim as one for the tort of unlawful interference with trade .
3 The result of the test was that the restrictions imposed by the rational expectations hypothesis on the β i coefficients could not be rejected .
4 In their judgement the court held that the restrictions implied in the agreement were not contrary to the public interest , that abrogation of the agreement would lead to booksellers being undercut by multiple retail traders and large library suppliers , and that many stockholding booksellers , notably the specialists , would be driven out of business .
5 As regards intent , the United Kingdom Government had never concealed the fact that the restrictions introduced by the Act of 1988 were intended to exclude Spanish interests from the United Kingdom fishing industry .
6 They found that the dreams reported by the subjects were noticeably affected by the stimuli on over half the occasions .
7 In retrospect , it is now rather easier to see that the cases made for the identification of structural change at the beginning of the 1970s were exaggerated or , at least , rather premature .
8 On the part of the plaintiff , it has been urged that the cases cited for the defendant were not cases where actions had already been brought , but only cases of promises to forbear commencing proceedings .
9 The procedures adopted by the Commissioner have been documented in this article in some detail , as it is considered that the systems established by the Commissioner and her office for dealing with her work are highly effective and that such systems could be adapted and applied in other areas of dispute .
10 It was hoped that the countries represented in the FEC would cooperate in this policy .
11 It is at this point that the assumptions made about the nature of injections and leakages are relevant .
12 Make certain that the fonts used by the software exactly match those of the output device .
13 But Bowler said : ‘ It is abundantly clear from our recent correspondence that the actions taken by the club were insufficient , despite 145 arrests and 20 ejections at the Test match alone .
14 Local interest was such that the queues stretched from the goods yard gate to Creed Street .
15 It follows , too ( although the subject-matter of the case was registered property ) , that the principles enunciated in the judgment apply to unregistered as well as to registered land .
16 Having examined the practice in different common law jurisdictions , their Lordships consider that the principles endorsed by the Jamaican Court of Appeal , particularly with regard to inconsistent previous statements , represent what will normally be an acceptable way of achieving fairness to the accused and they take the opportunity of saying that in a civilised community the most suitable ways of achieving such fairness ( which should not be immutable and require to be reconsidered from time to time ) are best left to , and devised by , the legislature , the executive and the judiciary which serve that community and are familiar with its problems .
17 Even knowing he would die , and that the revolutions stirring over the planet would not create the Earthly paradise he so desired , Blake felt he could trust the stranger .
18 The vendor should try to seek agreement from the purchaser that the policies applied in the last audited accounts , will be applied to the completion accounts .
19 The issue is not so much that the LDDC was unwilling to effect democratic procedures with elected authorities in the early to mid-1980s , but rather ( as is discussed below ) that the policies proposed by the LDDC were different from those agreed by local government , and that co-operation would simply have proved impossible .
20 The England pace attack laboured in vain yet again , and what was even more worrying was that the selectors toyed with the idea of once more playing four quick bowlers .
21 This diversification requires that the genes coding for the ‘ luxury ’ proteins in these cell types are switched on in the appropriate cell .
22 To remedy these grievances it was enacted that the Charter of the Forest was to be kept in all its articles , that the perambulations made in the time of Edward I were to be observed , that those perambulations which still remained to be made should be made as quickly as possible , and that the forest boundaries in each county should be confirmed by royal charters , as laid down in the perambulations .
23 There was a loud clattering and muted conversation as Anushkia Smyslov , Shmuel Zehavi and a morose Cheryl Russell followed them into the room and placed their torches so that the beams played over the domed ceiling , throwing a dim reflected light , like candlelight , back into the room .
24 Keen golfer Noel , the NIBA singles champion , takes on Herbert Park 's Noel O'Hara in the opening semi-final and victory means that the clubs stay in the boot of his car .
25 There is the difference , of course , that the changes induced in the cells of higher organisms are far more stable and long-lasting than those induced in bacteria .
26 It is therefore possible that the changes found in the study of Beardshall et al are not related to suppression of H pylori although this remains the most likely explanation .
27 To sustain the more general claims one would first need to have a systematic account of the class structure of a society which showed that the interests promoted by the state were in fact those of the ruling class .
28 Such a definition takes a word with a certain valuational meaning , and rather vague descriptive meaning , and broadens , narrows or shifts the descriptive meaning so that the emotions expressed by the valuational meaning are directed at more or less substantially different targets .
29 It is in the best interest of the school to make sure that the meals offered on the premises are value for money , nutritionally sound and are attractive to children .
30 He had been playing Happy Families at the time and wondering why it was that the families depicted on the cards should be so happy and his was n't .
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