Example sentences of "that [am/are] not in [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 What about the member of staff who has beliefs and attitudes that are not in tune with those that are being encouraged ?
2 This discordant sound is caused by the pickup magnets pulling the strings downwards , which produces wolf notes , or false harmonics , that are not in tune with the ‘ speaking ’ length of the string .
3 Now that policy and I think think I 'll it out , The proposals for industry and commerce that are not in accordance with the relevant policies of this plan would not normally be permitted but special provision for very large projects may occasionally be made in exceptional circumstances provided that , and there are three criteria , There would be substantial proven employment or other benefits to county residents , the proposal can not reasonably be implemented on land proposed in local plans for industrial or commercial development bearing in mind the undertakings operational requirements , and thirdly , that there are no overriding planning objections .
4 Erm perhaps I could answer that Chairman by saying that the policy I 've suggested from the Humberside structure plan would er would I think cover that er problem in that it starts off by saying , Proposals for industry and commerce that are not in accordance with the relevant policies of this plan will not normally be permitted .
5 But the old false syllogism , " English Literature is printed in books : books are in libraries : therefore the English teacher should be the school librarian " , overlooks those sections of the stock that are scientific or concern number , those sections of the stock that are not in English at all , and those sections of the stock largely in pictorial form — quite apart from the service of the library to history , geography , sociology , crafts , and other subject departments , and the usefulness of non-book formats to all comers .
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