Example sentences of "that [vb mod] have [be] [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 A clay model from Arkhanes , and dating from the very end of the Minoan civilization , shows the sort of modest shrine that may have been erected in a sacred enclosure : an oval hut with a conical roof , entrance doors and a cult idol inside .
2 Some younger ones too may want children to fill some need for love and affection that may have been lacking in their lives .
3 Sir , I would like to correct an impression that may have been given in the Science Fiction , Horror and Fantasy round-up ( 2nd April ) regarding sales of James Herbert 's Portent in hardback .
4 The answer is that the advice that should have been given in the circumstances that prevailed on that date was , that if the plaintiffs wished to ignore the contract then they were entitled to serve a completion notice which because the vendor was unable to obtain that would have meant that the vendor would be unable to comply with the completion notice and accordingly the contract would have come to an end .
5 I hope that the Minister can give an assurance that there is no risk that information that should have been entered in respect of one individual is recorded in the name of another .
6 Because insufficient allowances were allocated , the union argues , the local education authorities used much of the money that should have been paid in incentive allowances to classroom teachers to pay the senior staff their incentive entitlements .
7 A wooden mansion was quite an inviting residence : it consisted of the saloon of a large ship that must have been wrecked in the neighbourhood .
8 A farmer working a pair of shire-horses , and probably ably praying that the weather would hold , moved into his line of vision giving a touch of life to a scene that might have been painted in oils .
9 The horrors of eighteenth-century madhouses engender disbelieving revulsion in the twentieth century , yet throughout the last thirty years scandal after scandal has been reported in the press with depressing regularity and without the concern that might have been expected in an apparently liberal and caring society .
10 Higher rates of interest choke off investment demand ( and indeed any other interest-sensitive variable that might have been introduced in the model ) so that aggregate demand and output fall , imparting a negative slope to this curve .
11 And like sheep they had eventually been ridden down by soldiers as her husband had been ridden down at Peterloo , the crowd dispersed and then hunted over the open fields like running hares , so that of Luke 's companions one had crawled into a hedge with a leg that might have been mangled in a bear trap and had bled t death there ; two or three others had taken refuge in haystacks and barns ; two had been arrested and sentenced to hard labour .
12 There can be no claim that this is what Roth really thinks : the affidavit that might have been contained in The Facts has been withheld .
13 In case you think I am exaggerating I will try to put down on the page the conversation we held this morning , he in his warm office with his eighteenth century paperweight and leggy shit of a secretary and I in a dirty glass-doored box that might have been entered in an exhibition of unusual refrigerators .
14 She says : ‘ Experiencing the reality of this very wonderful little human being makes a mockery of any disappointment that could have been felt in her .
15 ‘ Billions of pounds have been squandered that could have been invested in energy conservation and the development of alternatives . ’
16 It is also quite likely that the social services consumed some of the capital that could have been invested in industry , but again there was no scarcity of capital during this period .
17 For example , one migrant volunteered to organize the meal served at the annual Harvest Home , but he replaced the traditional supper of Orkney dishes with a meal that could have been served in any restaurant in the south of Scotland .
18 A new s 382B is also added ; this provides that , if the sole member takes any decision that could have been taken in general meeting , that member shall ( unless it is a written resolution ) provide the company with a written record of it .
19 If politicians came to the conclusion that education was too important to be left to the educators , bear in mind the massive input of public resources , education 's failure to demonstrate significant improvement of standards , poor marketing , uncertain professional leadership and the fact that every year youngsters leave school ignorant of much they might reasonably be expected to know and lacking skills that could have been acquired in 11 years of schooling .
20 Directors Bill and Kath Parker started the business back in 1957 in a small underground warehouse in London with stock that could have been housed in the boot of their car , with Bill packing and Kath typing each treasured order as it arrived .
21 I felt a strong feeling of nausea as I realised that I had put my hand through the chest of a dead British soldier that could have been lying in the ditch for several days .
22 He had spent in promoting the scheme money that could have been used in establishing it , and I was both impatient and critical of his capacity to launch and support a large new artistic organisation , particularly as his ideas of who would give him money were hopelessly unrealistic .
23 Hence the rate of return on household savings is the relevant measure of the social opportunity cost of public sector resources that could have been used in private consumption .
24 Meanwhile , Mr Wilson 's anonymous advisory committee was forced to accept many applications from little-known galleries that would have been rejected in earlier years .
25 The columns which they carry on their backs have more fluting than a respectable column would accept and the Corinthian capitals have swirls and squiggles that would have been prohibited in Corinth .
26 This compartmentalization on stage reflects the administrative separation between the different ensembles in the king 's employ and further suggests that each ensemble had its own integrity and its own performing conventions that would have been respected in varying contexts .
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