Example sentences of "that [was/were] [vb pp] in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Although it is still possible that subjects ’ perceptions of the tasks could have been altered by the different exemplars of a junction that were viewed in the different experiments , it does not appear that the subset of 24 were unrepresentative of the full 60 .
2 He also had repaired many of the roads and bridges that were damaged in the great flood of I 803 and built a bridge at Câmara de Lobos , improved the municipal theatre and presented six beds and a hundred blankets to the hospital .
3 Even under the equator if you go deep enough you 'll enter water masses that were formed in the polar regions .
4 Among those that were formed in the 1930s were Port Talbot and Bedford , while some long-established ones acquired new premises .
5 As Buschbacher et al. ( 1987 ) have pointed out , it is doubtful if many of the pastures that were created in the eastern Amazon basin in the 1970s ( section 7.3.1 ) , and have since been abandoned , w ill ever return to forest : they may be permanently covered in heathlike vegetation .
6 The leases that were granted in the heady days of 1989/90 when the brewery company landlords invited rental bids from tenants , saw them hungrily bidding up to 12 per cent to 15 per cent of the anticipated turnover .
7 Well it was the first hundred houses that were built in the New Town and it housed a lot of building trade workers , a lot of engineers and a lot of archi well a lot , a few architects and a few engineers and the rest were building trade workers or of some sort or another , and a few British Hydro
8 In my opinion , the sooner that we return to serious discussion about the government of the Province , and about the other considerations that were invested in the earlier talks , the better the people of Northern Ireland will be served .
9 The second investigation was just one of hundreds that were done in the sixties .
10 The carefully assembled figures , some of them 40 centimetres high when complete , exploited the same colour and texture contrasts between polished gold and carved and polished ivory that were achieved in the large chryselephantine ( literally ‘ gold and ivory ’ ) statues of classical Greece .
11 Many of the classifications that were proposed in the nineteenth century rested upon a conception of social evolution , which itself was understood in various ways and was frequently connected with the idea of progress .
12 The first one is the existing arrangements on nursing home care , really reviewing the process , and members will recognize that the arrangements that were agreed in the first agreement with Health Authority related to gaining permission from the Health Authority before our placing nursing homes .
13 Even in these circumstances the approach provided a deep insight into the information needs of the organisation , and revealed a considerable number of potential improvements , some of which were implemented in the course of the study and others that were addressed in the longer term .
14 ‘ Push ’ factors refer to the difficulties of earning a living that were described in the previous chapter .
15 This is particularly the case for individuals working in the kind of formal organisations that were described in the previous two chapters .
16 Four key themes that were articulated in the White Paper are reflected in Part I of the Act , which deals with sentencing .
17 However , the Bill did not incorporate all of the safeguards against this possibility that were adumbrated in the White Paper , and it was substantially redrafted in the light of opposition objections in the course of its Parliamentary passage .
18 The dominant view on the crucial place of Japanese tendencies towards group consensus , rests very heavily on the structural changes that were enshrined in the constitutional apparatus .
19 I , too , must express slight surprise at the Minister 's inability to give the figures that were requested in the original question .
20 I am in the process of compiling a catalogue for the collection of 20th century religious art belonging to the Methodist Church , a collection that was created in the early 1960s .
21 It takes its name from Betchworth Castle , a medieval mansion that was altered in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries but is now a ruin .
22 Holly looked over the single sheet of paper that was covered in the large hand of one for whom writing was slow and difficult .
23 Pancreatic protein secretion in chronic pancreatic fistula rats infused with caerulein at supramaximal dose , that was used to induce the pancreatitis , showed a sudden rise , almost immediately after the start of infusion , reaching peak that was followed in the next hours by a marked decline to the level only slight above the baseline .
24 A total synthesis is not possible given the rate at which new data and techniques are being produced ; the principal difficulty remains the quantity of material that was excavated in the last century under conditions which do not assist in answering the questions now being asked and which now lie , unpublished and unstudied in museum collections throughout England .
25 Well the major advance that was made in the late Sixties and early Seventies was in radioastronomy , where large radio telescopes with computer control and very high sensitivity were developed .
26 We will certainly not again make the mistake that was made in the 1970s and 1980s .
27 This Havoc was owned by Howard Hughes ' Hughes Aircraft Co and was an executive conversion that was retired in the 1960s .
28 Additional information really , is , as I had missed the train comma , but it 's , er , you 've got to have a comma after train , because it 's following that rule that was given in the top left hand corner , after I cashed my Giro comma , because of the derailment comma , it 's it 's that rule , it 's the application of that rule .
29 The first reading , formed from passages in the Old Testament , focused on a theme found in a passage from the Gospels that was expressed in the third reading .
30 Another problem , and one that was intimated in the previous paragraph , is the question of who is to be considered accountable to whom .
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