Example sentences of "that [det] [be] [verb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I was surprised that that is put on cleaning .
2 Your chairman was kind enough — before he let me loose on this most patient audience — to say that my attitude , for an historian , was very unhistorical and I took it that that was meant as praise .
3 An earlier instruction to staff forbidding further publicity meant that little was known by press or public about this exhibition The art world condemned the decision as excessively cautious , suggesting an embarrassment about the subject of death which people never felt in previous centuries .
4 Neither admitted to the other that each was tortured by fear : now they had more than ever to lose .
5 Even the deeds of valour , so proudly recorded , only added to her depression as she reminded herself that each was committed in response to yet one more example of man 's inhumanity to man .
6 The Panel Chairman told the parents that their children were well , settling down in their foster homes , and that some were going to school .
7 Assume that this is represented by Table 5.1 .
8 Assume that this is represented by Table 5.1 .
9 GL advised that this is covered in Garden 's general insurance .
10 It is recommended that this is taken into consideration when scheduling LIFESPAN RDBI bulk data transfers .
11 NB : It is important that this is taken into account when calculating the cost of goods sold as our experience is that it is often overlooked .
12 — Bruch suggested that body image disturbance is pathognomonic of anorexia nervosa and that this is shown by indifference to emaciation and a misperception of body size .
13 Sleep-deprived subjects have been shown to have lower amplitude CNVs , and it could be assumed that this is associated with inattention or poor preparation for making a response .
14 I understand that an essential site survey has not yet been undertaken , and would ask that this be set in hand immediately .
15 Sir , — Although Conservative Central Office euphoria at the election result may be understandable , it nevertheless needs to recognise that this was achieved in spite of its lack lustre contribution to the electoral campaign .
16 That this was done despite government intrigue in Rome — Walsh 's nationalist sympathies being well known — was hailed as a triumph by Irish nationalists .
17 Under the agreement News Corporation was permitted to borrow a further US$600 million on condition that this was repaid as part of a US$800 million reduction in its debt burden by February 1992 .
18 Although the judgment of how well a film shows what normally happens at a junction was used differently in Study 3 and in Groeger and Chapman ( 1992 , in preparation a ) there was no evidence in either case that this was related to recognition sensitivity .
19 Increasingly with voluntary bodies , and I know that this was discussed at length in the P A G , but will be of interest to members , increasingly with voluntary bodies , we are moving towards er , jointly providing services with them , in a partnership arrangement where we are effectively purchasing and commissioning services from them , and that is the way we would wish the policy to go .
20 The words of the songs , even given the fact that much is lost in translation , are disappointing ; such is the passion and power of the voices that you feel they must be singing about life and death matters .
21 Members , branches , action groups , etc who intend to propose motions for debate , are asked to make sure that these are received at HQ in St Albans by first post on FRIDAY , FEBRUARY 7 , 1992 .
22 The managers argue that these are required in order to guarantee a good service .
23 However , the breathing system is of the sealed type , shown of pages IC08 of the parts catalogue , which also states that these are used on engine suffix C to D.
24 It 's recommended that these are used in conjunction with brushes to keep them from clogging .
25 Agreed that these be placed in Student Computer Room , but would be available for others when not in use by students .
26 While Timbury recommended that it was preferable that these be provided in association with small geriatric hospitals , it was recognised that some of these may be provided " free standing " in the community .
27 ‘ If some of our visitors are somewhat lacking in restraint , ’ noted an RCM report euphemistically , ‘ it must be remembered that many are overwrought with anxiety . ’
28 A recent study suggested that as many as 1 in 6 women have been the victims of some form of domestic abuse , which means that many are suffering in silence .
29 Matthew Paris says that he convicted innumerable monks and laymen , nobles and commoners , on a multitude of indictments for breaches of the Forest law , and , in order to enrich the king , imposed such heavy penalties on the offenders that many were flung into prison , many were despoiled of all their goods and were forced to eke out a bare existence in misery , and many others became exiles and wandering beggars .
30 The discussion of early Anglo-Saxon pottery in Myres ( 1969 ) has little direct comment on the uses of pottery , except that many were used in mortuary rituals .
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