Example sentences of "that [det] [noun] [be] [v-ing] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 By far the majority of the packages have been developed for the microcomputer , and with this sort of equipment increasingly available in schools , especially in the UK and the USA , it is not surprising that that medium is becoming popular .
2 By mid-1941 , therefore , it was the prevailing view within the Board of Education that the milk-in-schools scheme was ‘ an essential part of our war food policy and not mainly a scheme to increase milk drinking and use up a surplus of liquid milk ’ ; by that time , for example , the Ministry of Food was assuming , for rationing calculation purposes , that each child was receiving five-sixths of a pint of milk per day .
3 The power was last exercised over 30 years ago in the case of Garry Allighan who , having launched the scurrilous accusation that some Members were disclosing confidential business for reward , was discovered to be the sole offender in this respect .
4 It is encouraging to see that some organisations are taking renewable energy seriously .
5 A motoring organisation has warned that some drivers are facing big increases in court fines for offences like speeding .
6 They would move to buy at low prices from those sellers who have not discovered that some buyers are paying high prices .
7 And I think it is a great pity , that this council is losing some of it 's capacity to produce reports which are independent of the departments which are the most affected by them .
8 Is n't it a fact that this government is becoming isolated , not only in Europe but throughout the world for its anti worker and its anti union policies .
9 Although there is still little empirical evidence of its effectiveness , Bolam ( 1980 ) indicates that this approach is gathering considerable support .
10 I could sense the energy starting to flow in him now that this fiction was coming alive , and I could see that he had used make-up on himself ; not greasepaint or anything heavy , more a matter of darkening and thickening his eyebrows and darkening his mouth , emphasizing rather than disguising .
11 Erm , I really feel that this consultation is coming more than a too late because we started on the slippery slope when the consortium was er first dreamed of o , you know about a year ago and set up in April and that really this is the sort of the inexorable next move , and this consultation is far far too late !
12 I must give you my personal assurances that this infant is receiving perfect care .
13 By that time , as it so happens , it was apparent to many , and certainly Monty , that another war was becoming inevitable , so he applied all his energies into his career as an Army Officer .
14 Commenting on the killing on Nov. 7 of a two-year-old child by an ETA car-bomb intended for his policeman father , Extabe described the ETA leadership as " four imbeciles " and said that such operations were turning Basque opinion as well as general opinion against ETA .
15 There can be no doubt that such hostilities were having important consequences ; they created opportunities for new dynastic families to emerge .
16 Given the topic of this book this does not lessen the usefulness of their formulation for our purposes but there remains a whiff of' western-centricness ' about any account which suggests that fewer people are experiencing that ‘ social being ’ which ‘ determines consciousness ’ through organized industrial labour .
17 Kadhafi said in an interview for the Egyptian political weekly Al-Musawar in October 1989 that in the past Libya had funded some groups without examining their aims and role in detail , but that " when we discovered that these groups were causing more harm than benefit to the Arab cause , we halted our aid to them completely and withdrew our support " .
18 are you telling me that these people are renting this place out ?
19 I would n't have cared to live under the rule of Fagg myself , but I ca n't say it worried me that these people were getting short rations .
20 The introduction of the National Insurance and Workmen 's Compensation Acts meant that many employers were becoming reluctant to employ deaf people in case they had to pay higher premiums just to employ them .
21 Forestry Commission and National Park chiefs said that many beekeepers were travelling 200 miles to leave hives on the moors around Scarborough because of the fine quality of honey and heather produces .
22 Turn right into er what is a very busy er road in any event at that time but that the dangers is that many drivers are becoming impatient with waiting their turn in the queue and what they 're doing is driving down on the wrong side of the road in order to utilise a little back road that 's a service road which runs alongside road and leads into Nightingale avenue .
23 With regard to the secondary school curriculum , the Yellow Paper maintained that too much scope had been given to the principle of pupil choice , with the result that many pupils were following unbalanced programmes and not enough pupils were studying science-based and technological subjects .
24 Teachers are finding that many children are spending substantial amounts of time playing the games to the detriment of their school work .
25 Older people are incensed that those companies are making huge profits and that their chief executives are receiving huge increases in their salaries to bring them up to the so-called market rate , while they are paying high standing charges .
26 The inference is that more pupils are attending ordinary classes in normal schools .
27 So in suggesting that more people are doing weird things to themselves these days , I plead caution .
28 This should not detract from the fact that several departments were making legitimate use of the improved facilities , though as one teacher noted there were subjects such as business studies where the potential had yet to be recognised .
29 The point was that both industries were experiencing particular problems in several countries : an acute coal shortage and an oversupply of steel .
30 But a closer look at the video recording showed that both men were helping each other to drive .
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