Example sentences of "that [noun prp] have been [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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31 Its existence demonstrated for Engels that Marx had been right in arguing that commonality was the oldest form of social existence .
32 A commission of inquiry chaired by Englishman Kgabo , looking into land allocations in villages surrounding Gaborone , had reported that Mmusi had been involved in improper land transfers , and that on two occasions he had interceded in favour of Kwelagobe in decisions of the local land board .
33 It was known that Implexion had been responsible for the dissolution of many sects in Gleberune , and that he would resort to violence if his injunctions were not obeyed .
34 She felt sure that Allen had been wrong about the white horse .
35 Franjiyah claimed that Geaga had been responsible for the assassination in 1978 of his father Tony Franjiyah — something which Geaga denied .
36 The British had been taken to the cleaners because foolish politicians in post-war Britain had elected to produce sociologists instead of engineers , and the predictable end result was that Britain had been short on wealth creators and long on spenders .
37 What is being done is to argue that the failures were of the order to suggest that Bukharin had been correct in his prediction before the event , not after it .
38 In the rune-friezed , banner-hung oratorium reserved for cadets the Necromundans hung on the words of crippled veteran lecturers ; and on one such occasion Lexandro learned that Valence had been correct in his seemingly blasphemous comments uttered in the scriptory …
39 Kuzmitch did mention that Blake had been unimpressed by the American and British intervention in South Korea but so too were a lot of other people .
40 A positive test result means that antibodies have been found and means that HIV has been present in the body .
41 This reflection went far to set up Harry again in his own esteem , for it meant that Isambard had been sure of his victim 's obstinate silence even under torture ; more sure of it , if the truth were told , than Harry himself had been at the worst moment .
42 Manville knew then that Hayman had been right in writing him off as a washed-up veteran .
43 Despite turnover being virtually flat at £13,242m , Vallance said that BT had been successful in controlling operating costs .
44 Denning had referred in his report to their speeches in the House on 21 March 1963 and had commented that their remarks clearly imputed that Profumo had been responsible for the disappearance of Christine Keeler .
45 He laid a small bet with himself that Fishbane had been responsible for giving her this photo-opportunity .
46 A spokeswoman claimed that Itoh had been involved in discussions with Sun regarding OEM supply of the X-terminal built by C Itoh , but Sun had decided to go its own way .
47 On March 21st , a despatch from Falkenhayn admitted that Rupprecht had been right about the British not being able to take the offensive , and at the same time it ordered the withdrawal of three of his divisions for the general reserve .
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