Example sentences of "that [vb base] from the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 No one noticed the dark stain of blood that spread from the tip of a razor sharp stiletto knife in his coat pocket .
2 This structure extends over 0.3° ( 45pc ) but is part of an even more extensive 1° ( 140pc ) -shaped lobe that appears to be perpendicular to the plane and is reminiscent of the prominences and flares that protrude from the surface of the Sun ( Fig. 6 a ) .
3 The choice would be whether to draw one pair of curtains to stack back on the walls beside the windows , thus exposing the corner , or to have two separate pairs of curtains that draw from the centre of each window and thereby cover the corner area with fabric .
4 These latter awards will comprise groups of units containing the competences that emerge from the work of Industry Lead Bodies .
5 Further along the coast is the most amazing sight of all , the Aiguilles ( needles ) de Port-Coton : a chain of huge , spiky dark rocks that emerge from the sea like the petrified remains of some prehistoric monster .
6 In Poland , Catholic education is now obligatory ( replacing one dogmatic ideology with another ) , and in those predominantly Muslim states that emerge from the wreckage of the Soviet Union it is possible that some very illiberal Islamic regimes will develop .
7 In the rest of this chapter we will consider how state policies have reaffirmed the financial advantages that derive from the continuation of a dual structure of production .
8 In the rest of this chapter we will consider how state policies have reaffirmed the financial advantages that derive from the continuation of a dual structure of production .
9 In effect , the key range 000–200 is cut into 19 digit sections , and the remainders that result from the division in each section are superposed on each other to provide the record addresses .
10 the ownership of any selling or marketing rights for services or computer software that result from the provision of the system for OUP .
11 More positively , we discover how problems that result from the shrinking of family ties to what we call the ‘ nuclear family ’ are alleviated or avoided in the more flexible kinship arrangements of many tribal peoples .
12 The central contribution of these models has been to focus on the ‘ spill-over ’ effects that result from the failure of markets to clear .
13 With such contrasts , soul and body stay healthy and do not produce those inevitable diseases that result from the preponderance of scholarly activity and from the excessive predominance of physical activity as well …
14 The problems that arise from the development of a new crop on a research station and the attempts to recreate it in economically and environmentally diverse farms outside can in this way be avoided ( CIMMYT 1980 , Biggs , 1981 ) .
15 The authors fail to emphasise the difficulties that arise from the lack of information available about indications for treatment .
16 The initial research is part of a broader investigation into issues that arise from the reception of new scientific evidence , at the appeal stage , into a variety of legal and quasi-legal fora .
17 The issues that stem from the nature of administration itself are more complex .
18 Despite the various amounts that come from the Foundation for Sports and the Arts — given at the whim of the trustees in a haphazard fashion — they do not compensate in any way for the £60 million cut in real grant from the Government since 1986 .
19 It annoys me when I hear the criticisms that come from the Secretary of State for the Environment .
20 Technological advances might mean that we live in an artificial environment with respect to time-cues , but it is a rhythmic environment nevertheless , and our possession of a body clock means that all the advantages that come from the integration of biological and environmental rhythms apply equally to ourselves .
21 And running diagonally across his star-map is the Milky Way — the cream and dazzle of lights that stretch from the goods-yard down the Ironworks sidings , along the foot of the slag-bank , to the Ironworks themselves .
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