Example sentences of "that [vb base] [prep] [art] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Nerves that communicate with the use of acetylcholine are said to be cholinergic and are found in the peripheral and central nervous systems .
2 And both these books pale before novels that contend for the mantle of Disraeli : those of Jeffrey Archer himself .
3 ‘ Roads , park , dispensary , institute , and so on — a hundred and twenty thousand pounds ; repairs and upkeep , recurring , four thousand … ’ and so on through all the elements that make for the running of a town , ending with the caution that it was ‘ all very round-figurey . ’
4 The , the back of the calendar card , the notes that make on the back of the calendar card , will be in sequential order , presumably .
5 Richard Pryor ( who was never given another chance to explore this side of his acting ability ) , Yaphet Kotto and Harvey Keitel star as the workers who attempt to break the chains that bind with a break-in at their corrupt union 's headquarters .
6 In the United States that is not so ; it is acknowledged that the multitude of pressures ( some real , some imagined ) that converge on a member from his constituents and from vested interests may make the call of the party electorally disastrous .
7 There is clearly now an urgent need for a Historic Stations Trust to remove those treasures that remain beyond the reach of the hammers of the destroyers , both official and unofficial , so that at least part of this precious heritage may be handed down to future generations .
8 Further investigations by teams of scientists from all over the world have since laid the blame on man-made chlorinated substances that remain in the atmosphere for 100 years or more , where they destroy ozone .
9 The head of the Deutsche Bundespost Telekom , Helmut Ricke , urged the government and opposition to strike a deal in crucial talks next week on the privatisation of the state-owned concern , Reuter reports from Bonn : the talks between the government and the Social Democratic opposition are due to resume May 14 : politicians on both sides of the debate , which resumed last month , agree a decision must be reached before the Bundestag 's summer recess on July 3 or there wo n't be enough time in the legislative calendar to pass the bill before next year 's parliamentary elections ; TeleKom finance director Joachim Kroeske complained to the Wall Street Jorunal that ‘ We have an organisation more like a bureaucracy than a real company — we have civil servants with lifetime employment , high pensions and salaries that correspond to the length of service and how many children they have . ’
10 Also , your character is under constant threat from irritating bats that zoom onto the screen at an incredible rate of knots , leaving you no time to react .
11 These are the posts that change with a change of government .
12 ( As we shall see , it is members of the conflict theory camp that concentrate on the structure of these material constraints on behaviour . )
13 The rare gases take very little part in life 's processes ; and we need not discuss water vapour at too great length , even though many desert animals and plants , and some epiphytes ( plants that grow on the surface of other plants ) derive much or most of their water from water that floats to them on the air .
14 The trouble is that phosphates act as nutrients for green plants and the minute algae that grow on the surface of slow-moving water .
15 He was a regular in the designer bars that pose in the sun along the Portofino coastline and although he only drinks moderately , he has developed a taste for vintage champagne .
16 Again , the ‘ normal ’ situation in the sciences is not a sure guide , as none of you needs to be reminded , when the brain and mind are the subjects of investigation , given the peculiar features that attach to the notion of consciousness and to its close relations , thought , feeling , privacy and so on .
17 Review : Scares that fly in the face of fact
18 Injury and suspension could now give Walter Smith 's team a vulnerability on two fronts that tests even their noticeable capacity for ignoring logic and achieving results that fly in the face of realism .
19 I have n't felt that melt of the heart since Cameron , she thought .
20 When they asked him where it was that my father had wanted to build the gallery , he said something like , ‘ Well , you know , it 's that place near the pond between the pond and the obelisk ’ , meaning the Washington Monument and the Reflecting Pool .
21 Components that transform in the manner of eqn ( 5.1 ) are called vector or contravariant components .
22 or you could use one or more of the questions that appear at the end of each section of the main text of this booklet .
23 Pollock puts on his paint-spattered boots — that appear as a kind of homage to Van Gogh — and then he starts to walk around the umprimed canvas laid out on the earth .
24 These are the human remains that appear in the picture of the priests , from bodies that had already been torn apart by dogs before they were found in the sand .
25 If a personal creditor of the heir has been sent into possession in order to protect his property , and has obtained an object left under trust to me , it is agreed that I ought not to be prejudiced by him in any way ; no more than if he had received that object as a pledge from the heir himself .
26 Carling strained a thigh muscle in Dunedin and Bayfield ended that match on a stretcher with a neck seizure .
27 So great is the slaughter that there has been enormous public concern and since 1978 my colleagues and I have studied the effect of road casualties on the toads that breed in the lake at Llandrindod Wells , in mid-Wales .
28 For the most part they were unskilled , underpaid and underfed and most of them were here during the thirty-minute refreshment break in the middle of the day because there was a good chance they could stretch that break into an hour at least .
29 In order to predict how the universe should have started off , one needs laws that hold at the beginning of time .
30 There were criticisms over police costs that spread beyond the question of police pay :
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