Example sentences of "that [adv] a [adj] [noun sg] be " in BNC.

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1 And doubts were expressed as to its value given the conceded fact that only a small dent was likely to be made in the pigeon population .
2 She worked with a tenderness that only a caring woman is capable of .
3 This does not mean that only a slit-eyed cat is dangerous .
4 The kinematics approach recognizes that the mechanism is constrained in such a way that only a prescribed motion is possible ; a mechanism that is randomly assembled and disassembled with no known input conditions is hardly a mechanism and is impossible to analyse by any method .
5 Decision : it was clear to the Court that a sentence of detention in a young offender institution could be justified under Criminal Justice Act 1982 , s.1(4A) ( b ) , on the ground that only a custodial sentence was adequate to protect the public from serious harm from him .
6 It may have been that on his original appearance this condition would not have been satisfied , as it could not have been said that only a custodial sentence was adequate to protect the public from serious harm from him , if the alternative of a probation order requiring residence at a hostel specialising in sexual offenders was available .
7 ‘ I consider that ethically a human person is created when the sperm of a male fertilises the ovum of a woman , thus creating an embryo … either in the fallopian tubes or in vitro .
8 Severe criticism of these ideas did little to detract from the belief that even a sickly press was preferable to the Soviet and authoritarian theories outlined by Siebert et al .
9 Although we have offered a fairly simplistic version of these theories we can still see that even a simplified version is very complex .
10 It appears from the accounts that quite a different reading is given to occasions of physical or verbal reprimand which fall within the acknowledged framework of official penalties .
11 The hypothesis raises , however , one difficulty : if there was a shift towards the equator in both hemispheres , it would seem that either a climatic belt was squeezed out or one or more narrowed in latitudinal extent .
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