Example sentences of "that [noun sg] [verb] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But a formidable argument has been developed in recent years by leading academic lawyers that this stream of authority should be the subject of reinterpretation to reveal a different line of thought pointing to the conclusion that money paid to a public authority pursuant to an ultra vires demand should be repayable , without the necessity of establishing compulsion , on the simple ground that there was no consideration for the payment .
2 The Commander embarked on one of his monologues on the supineness of the Tory government and the unregenerate socialism of the opposition , interrupted only by murmurs of approval from Fagg , who contributed the insight that rioting yobs in a northern city should have been put down by the Gurkhas .
3 The reason that some have thought that psychoanalysis operates as a closed belief system is , no doubt , a result of the fact that Freud made the point that people usually reject psychoanalytic ideas at first , and the vehemence of their rejection may mask deep repression of material .
4 It is not the least of Russia 's current ironies that , just as the West is re-assessing the value of a market-led economy , belatedly suspecting it to be the partial cause rather than wholesale cure of economic ills , the arch reformers are adamant that salvation lies in a western role model .
5 The homo sequences consist of an arrangement of repeating units that pack efficiently ( large negative ΔH ) and tightly ( large negative entropy ) in a regular array , such that melting occurs in a cooperative fashion with a large ΔS and a sharper melting transition than for the mixed sequence oligomers .
6 In Salmagundi , E. D. Hirsch argued that literacy depends on a common background knowledge , a core of information , not of texts .
7 It will however increase the binding of other carcinogens to gastric mucosal DNA and it is conceivable that bile acts in a similar manner .
8 But they seem to carry the implication that society exists as a fixed structure , with slots into which school-leavers ( or university-leavers ) must be fitted .
9 We 're very conscious now that life hangs by a fine tendril .
10 There is no evidence that prostitution existed as a sole source of income for its practitioners in the earliest forms of human society , among the so-called hunter-gatherers .
11 If the explanation of affinity is true , then it is possible that spermatozoa produced by a male hybrid would contain only the paternal chromosomes , and will therefore carry the Y sex chromosome , a donkey-Y in male mules and a horse-Y in male hinnies .
12 Sir Philip argued that anti-semitism appealed to a subconscious racial instinct which was almost universal , with the Colonel Blimps believing in the conspiracy theory , and that in East London it was envy of Jewish economic success which caused the problem ; this development represented the only real danger of fascism .
13 The fears that BSL consists of a limited , concrete visual language localised in the right hemisphere , can be discounted .
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