Example sentences of "that [pers pn] can [verb] for the " in BNC.

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1 Oi think of a project for me that I can do for the next seven weeks .
2 " D' you know " , he told me , " that I can ask for the check in seventeen languages ? "
3 Technology is changing our world so much that small groups of people through computers and elsewhere are able to determine vast patterns of human behaviour and so it 's gon na be a long struggle but through our struggle in Africa and your struggle here where we all want democracy but democracy 's only a process what we have to contend with is also power because ultimately it 's only when you 're able to exercise that power that you can deliver for the majority of the people .
4 You should keep a copy order and make a note of due dates so that you can plan for the arrival of the stock .
5 Walking makes you slim , builds cardiovascular fitness , and can develop into a long term habit that you can use for the rest of your life .
6 Probably the most depressing words that have ever been pronounced about any slimming diet are those enthusiastic phrases from well-meaning medics on the lines of ‘ This is a diet that you can follow for the rest of your life . ’
7 So that we can wait for the moment when she sees you well enough to be sure whether you are Liam or not .
8 This is the only way that we can account for the career of King Vidor .
9 in a way , so that we can plan for the future so that we can make contingencies for changing relationships with people , the effects of these things on children in the future .
10 I think there are many purposes that the County Farms should have , and we need to look at what is the best value financially , that we can obtain for the people of Wiltshire , so when everybody talks about they 'd like their country schools maintained , they 'd like this that or the other bought , they 'd like Corsham station purchased , we could buy it easily if we sold a County Farm could n't we ?
11 Thresher also offers in-house and open learning course-based activities to all its managers in order that they can study for the Wine and Spirit Education Trust Higher Certificate , which is a product knowledge-based certificate .
12 Both Mr Porter and Mr Graham expect the NIE issue to very popular , with many local investors keen to hold on to the shares so that they can qualify for the discount vouchers will entitle them to money off their electricity bills .
13 The skills are there to be bought : the problem is that many farmers have an exaggerated notion of the kind of worker that they can obtain for the money they are willing to offer , as well as an outdated conception of what the farm worker 's skills would fetch in industry .
14 ‘ Staff would welcome a timetable as to when they will be told how they will be affected , so that they can plan for the future , ’ he said .
15 If he is to persuade his colleagues that he can win for the party , he will need to seize every available chance for exposure over the next two , three , or even four years .
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