Example sentences of "that [pers pn] [vb base] [pron] [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 If you find a new diet in a magazine , or you decide to lose weight , the chances are that you pick your day for starting but make no special preparation plans .
2 ‘ It is vital that we maintain our concentration for the entire match .
3 The speakers have chosen their own topics , based on their own interests and enthusiasms , and it is important that they convey their zest for the subject to an audience , preferably establishing at the outset that the subject deserves the audience 's attention .
4 You conclude your article by suggesting to readers that they reserve their money for those with integrity and courage , such as Amnesty International … and the Heavenly Records EP ! ! ? ?
5 Do not fall , either , for the argument that America must have the oil underneath the refuge to reduce its dependence on foreign oil — at a time when , despite the greenhouse effect , the American government has all but abandoned incentives for energy efficiency and has repeatedly bowed to Detroit 's absurd demand that it relax its drive for fuel-efficient car engines .
6 A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman on Oct. 10 rejected a proposal made by the Dalai Lama in a speech in the USA on Oct. 9 to return to Tibet for the first time since 1959 , and demanded that he abandon his support for Tibetan independence .
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