Example sentences of "that [pers pn] [verb] [pers pn] for the " in BNC.

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1 Moving her just a fraction away , his eyes once more holding hers captive , he added , ‘ So is n't it fortunate that I know you for the cheat you are ? ’
2 I liked it so much that I used it for the show and played the hell out of it , it sounded so good .
3 That she does it for the money , which symbolises affection , emotional security and personal achievement .
4 Well , the you 've heard , I 've heard some people being nasty and , and they did n't say no , but it was always , not always it was occasionally done grudgingly , and , and erm in many cases of course it was done willingly , you know come in yes please do , and , and they did n't even want the penny that , that you offered them for the telephone call .
5 My recommendation is that we scrap them for the ten year decade of evangelism as a trial period and then think again in AD 2000 !
6 included in mine , so it meant that they paid me for the summer holidays cos I did n't officially really
7 An annuity is an arrangement with a financial institution whereby , if you are over retirement age and do not want to leave your property to anyone when you die , they will effectively buy your house from you ( albeit at a bit less than the market price ) , give you guaranteed security of tenure until you die , and turn the money that they pay you for the house into a regular income for life .
8 ‘ I was playing in a particular game and did not think I had done anything spectacular at all when I was approached by Heffernan who told me that he wanted me for the Ireland team to play Australia in the Compromise Rules series , ’ recalls McGilligan .
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