Example sentences of "that [noun pl] [vb base] [adv] [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Of course , this does not mean that lecturers do not have stereotypes of , and views about , other disciplines which may be well or less well informed .
2 Thus , as in the case of the USA , the size and complexity of the programmes , mixed successes , and the possibility that programmes have significantly reduced soil losses , or even the rate of decline rather than improved yields , point to the need for a longer and more sophisticated assessment than is given here .
3 Lord Scarman ( 1981 ) , in providing the social background to the Brixton disorders of 10–12 April 1981 , was at pains to point out that deprivations do not justify attacks on the police or excuse such disorders .
4 He added : ‘ Councillor Andrew should realise that cyclists do not kill pedestrians but cars kill cyclists and pedestrians .
5 How can we be sure that employers do n't use Work Experience to cover for unfilled vacancies ?
6 What this means , of course , is that functionalists do not see consciousness as a defining feature of the mental .
7 The coroner , quite rightly , pointed out that schools do not teach children that in a competitive world some are bound to fail .
8 The coroner , quite rightly , pointed out that schools do not teach children that in a competitive world some are bound to fail .
9 The debate is now largely ‘ old hat ’ in the sociology of education and there is a general consensus that schools do indeed impart values , but these are usually modified or developed versions of already existing dominant values of the society of which they form a part , including a number of parental values .
10 Davies first confirmed that intruders do usually lose contests over territories .
11 Inflation this year is now expected to be 3.5 per cent , with a similar figure next year , while unemployment is now expected to level off at about 3.1 million this year and next , reflecting the fact that companies have already shed labour faster than in previous cycles .
12 Furthermore , if some Branches struck and called on others to back them , that support could be ensured by picketing the workplaces of those who were to be persuaded : Scargill was strong in his insistence that miners do not cross picket lines formed by other miners , but he was eventually defeated by both the unwillingness of an increasingly large body of miners ( especially those working in Nottinghamshire , see below ) to disregard this advice in the absence of a national ballot on strike action , and the government 's preparedness to counter the pickets by mass policing and other tactics which limited the freedom of movement of perceived would-be pickets ( Fine and Millar , 1985 ) .
13 ‘ We believe that our results show conclusively that neutrinos do not undergo oscillation and thus are not mixed states in a quantum-mechanical sense . ’
14 After Thursday , a new maxim ought to state that governments do not win elections , oppositions lose them .
15 One company was adamant that libraries have very limited use because there is a reasonable chance they will not satisfy any particular need for information .
16 ‘ Within these criteria I have so far ensured that buildings have not suffered closure , but in the future this may not be possible owing to the shrinking budget , ’ said Mr Eyton Jones .
17 However , this does not mean that changes do not have class segmentation consequences , given the operation of UK benefit regulations in relation to households .
18 A high cost of capital is a signal that investors do not trust banks to earn a reasonable return on their money at a reasonable risk .
19 Many teachers recognise that examinations do not measure experience and achievement ; they reflect the ability of the individual to respond to a number of questions , drawn from a substantial syllabus , at a particular time .
20 Do the books that writers do n't write matter ?
21 Because of this ( and assuming for simplicity that firms do not carry inventories ) they will demand only enough labour to produce the output they can sell , for any additional inputs of labour will either be idle or else will produce output which will remain unsold .
22 Moreover , Miller and Friesen ( 1986 ) have tested Porter 's position on this point and concluded that differentiators do also employ cost-leadership strategies and that cost leaders do employ differentiation policies .
23 AN OLD maxim of British politics states that oppositions do not win elections , governments lose them .
24 It was Mr Smith 's view , before the April 9 nightmare , that Oppositions do n't win elections — governments lose them .
25 If we recognise that professionals do not have ownership of problems and that it is the primary managers ( parents ) who sort out problems , there is nothing to be gained by giving a contrary impression to parents .
26 However , the old adage that leaders do n't lose elections should be seriously questioned .
27 Studies on attitudes towards the monarchy reveal that respondents do not resemble McGuire 's subjects ( 1964 ) , who were totally unarmed when called upon to defend their cultural truism .
28 It 's not true that girls dress up to impress men , or ‘ catch ’ a boyfriend , because I think girls know that the people who will most appreciate their particular look or style , or the fabric or colour in their outfit , will be their friends .
29 Even when this was not the overt purpose , research results have been used to justify particular aspects of women 's subordination : thus even today it is sometimes said that girls do n't become engineers because they lack spatial ability , or that their relative lack of aggression makes them less effective leaders .
30 Research evidence contradicts the commonly held belief that neonates do not perceive pain .
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