Example sentences of "that [adj] [noun] can [adv] [be] " in BNC.

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1 But where one concludes from this that theistic terms can not be understood , the other concludes that they are the language of ‘ faith ’ , directly given to the believer by God .
2 However , this analysis is important in showing that it is not rational expectations itself which produces the result that monetary policy can not be used to stabilize real variables in the economy ; rather , it is the combination of rational expectations and a particular class of model .
3 For these reasons monetarists argue that monetary policy can not be used for short-run demand management .
4 For myself , I remain convinced that private morality can not be divorced from public and environmental moralities and I predict that the politics of the future will have to lay greater stress on this area of life .
5 Secondly , he rejects the very assumption of classical theory that economic phenomena can ultimately be explained as the result of universal needs .
6 The so-called ‘ trickle-down economics ’ is the Reagan-era notion that economic prosperity can best be assured through tax cuts for the rich .
7 Tumin maintains that ‘ It is only when there is a genuinely equal access to recruitment and training for all potentially talented persons that differential rewards can conceivably be justified as functional .
8 There simply are not enough competing news organizations to provide adequate variety and debate between them , and the technical or commercial factors that hinder the creation of rival news organizations mean that free speech can not be guaranteed by open entry into a system of competing news organizations .
9 This is not to say that adequate recognition can not be achieved without understanding , but rather an appreciation of the processes involved in understanding may facilitate the design of more efficient recognition algorithms and systems .
10 Lewis was inclined to ground his grudging acceptance of democracy on the doctrine of original sin ; Tolkien rejected it on the grounds that public virtue can not be mechanised or formulated .
11 It may make for easier government and public convenience to restrict the tradition of marching and assembling for protest , but it would be a dangerous and a foolish idea to believe that public protest can somehow be laid aside as belonging to a bygone age .
12 This argument against a crude materialist interpretation of Marx is presented as an application of the claim that social phenomena can not be explained by appealing to a ‘ given ’ concept .
13 Ethnomethodological theorists suggest that social rules can not be fully determined , but that their meaning is often discovered post hoc through their application .
14 Practice has shown that social justice can not be achieved where the free market is idolised .
15 It has already been stressed that social policy can not be analysed on its own , without reference to other activities of the state .
16 However , it is too simplistic a reaction to suggest that French poststructuralism can therefore be invalidated by judging it against the claims of a comparable endeavour in Germany , a procedure which can only operate by turning the former into a failed version of the latter , which obviously leaves open the possibility of exactly the reverse argument being made .
17 Since the mid-1970s there has been growing recognition that residential care can only be effective when it is part of a package aimed at helping the family as a whole , and where parents are involved in all aspects of the care process .
18 Woolgar , in a study based on the growth and development of pulsar research in astronomy , contends that scientific discovery can best be portrayed in terms of a process with an indefinite beginning and end .
19 Like Habermas 's ‘ ideal speech situation ’ , the fact that scientific practice can never be realized is not the point .
20 We welcome the emphasis on Communication as the main aim of language teaching , but we believe that real communication can only be achieved when there is a sound knowledge of linguistic structure .
21 But let us ask again : Is it the case that moral qualities can not be transferred ?
22 S 239(3) , ICTA 1988 states that surplus ACT can only be carried back if it arises in a corporation tax accounting period .
23 She knew by instinct that healing change can never be imposed on people from outside .
24 It seems that human attention can only be sustained for a very limited time by any subject , even the prospects of its own destruction .
25 The first reported expression of dissent occurred in Balston Ltd v Headline Filters [ 1987 ] FSR 330 where Scott J at pp347 and 348 said , having quoted from the judgment of Neill LJ in Faccenda , both counsel before me express some reservations about that passage insofar as it suggests that confidential information can not be protected by a suitably worded restrictive convenant binding on an ex-employee unless the information can be regarded as trade secret in the third of the categories described by Goulding J. I am bound to say that I share these reservations .
26 Not surprisingly , left-inclined social scientists go on to take the view that good sense can only be made of British politics if the pluralist ideology is set aside and a start to understanding is made elsewhere than in the world of interest-group activity .
27 Silly literary prig , I thought , and how typical of a man who thinks that good writing can only be learnt from good reading to find spiritual anguish unreal .
28 This example shows that environmental factors can not be cleanly isolated from biological ones .
29 Because the Directive is based on Articles 42 and 43 of the Treaty of Rome , MAFF has always been of the opinion that environmental measures can not be aided financially , since these two Articles relate solely to agricultural policy .
30 First , there is the dualist 's argument that mental processes can not be physical processes because physical entities — such as neurons - lack certain qualities — such as intentionality or consciousness — that characterize the mental .
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