Example sentences of "that [modal v] [verb] it [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Surgeons used long syringes to extract marrow from her pelvic bones , while a motorcycle courier waited outside to rush the refrigerated marrow to the plane that would carry it to a Dutch hospital .
2 By virtue of Core Rule 36 , many transactions which would fall full square within Core Rule 28 are exempted because the Chinese Wall serves to negative the firm , or certain individuals within the firm , of the requisite knowledge that would bring it within the prohibition contained in Core Rule 28 .
3 The proliferation of regional ale brands since the sector 's launch in 1988 made it difficult to build a national product that would kick-start it in the way that Perrier set off the mineral water market in the seventies .
4 Elsewhere there are some uneven and four-square passages which prevent one 's subscribing to a view of this work that would equate it with the successors Benoliel names .
5 Let y be the percentage of list votes given to that party , i.e. the votes that will entitle it to an identical percentage of all the seats , constituency and list , in the region .
6 Marx 's central contention is that the capitalist economy sows the seeds of its own destruction , that it can not help creating the forces that will destroy it as a product of its own internal contradictions .
7 You 've got two legs that can carry you there and two hands that can pour it into a glass .
8 It 's only one that can do it at a time we all have a role to play , we 're all part of that body are n't we that we 've looked at in some , what a lovely description it is , and some of us do n't look quite as good as the other part do we ?
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