Example sentences of "that [modal v] [verb] [indef pn] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 We may be meant to think that time is simultaneous , in a way that may owe something to the simultaneity propounded , ‘ perhaps ’ , in Eliot 's Four Quartets , where ‘ History is now and England ’ ; or that it is cyclical , a turning wheel , with human depravity paling into insignificance as the wheel turns into modern times .
2 Anything , anything would make death tolerable , she thought , anything that could admit something of the grand somewhere , and not this small cramped sitting room , this domestic duplicity , this pouring of cups of tea , these harshly unaltered faces .
3 They merely assumed that inhibition generates the incest taboo without pointing to any behavioural mechanism that could translate one into the other .
4 In the next chapter I will try to increase the order in our neck of the woods a little further by explaining how people are trying to fit together the partial theories I have described to form a complete unified theory that would cover everything in the universe .
5 In this way , you could hope to get a complete unified theory , one that would predict everything in the universe .
6 are going to be those that will give something to the school , rather than simply be an appointment just for some stature .
7 Words that will express something of the deep complexity that makes us precisely the way we are , from the momentary effect of the barometer to the force that created men distinct from trees .
8 A party that will attempt nothing for the unemployed at home will do nothing for the poor and starving abroad .
9 More than seventy-five years later , we are still working out their implications and trying to combine them in a unified theory that will describe everything in the universe .
10 Although baby universes may not be of much use for space travel , they have important implications for our attempt to find a complete unified theory that will describe everything in the universe .
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