Example sentences of "that [verb] been [verb] in the " in BNC.

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1 If would-be choreographers examine Ashton 's The Dream they will discover the significant development that has been made in the structure of the old kind of romantic ballet .
2 In Britain also , there is recognition that the progress that has been made in the last fifteen years in increasing the pool of professionally-trained social workers must be matched by similar efforts to upgrade the skills of the paraprofessional work force if the quality of social service provision is to be adequate .
3 He began by commenting on the dramatic progress that has been made in the understanding of both tropospheric and stratospheric chemical processes during the past 20 years .
4 I think also we have to look at how we share the progress that has been made in the statutory services with the people in private care .
5 In view of the congestion on motorways and major trunk roads , do not those figures still fall short of what is necessary and desirable , despite the improvement that has been made in the past three years ?
6 The reason I shall vote against the motion and for the amendment could n't have been put more succinctly than it was by Mr , I think Mr made the most pertinent remark that has been made in the debate today , when in opposition to what Mr said about individual freedom he said this is a matter of personal conscience .
7 The detailed information that my hon. Friend requires can be found in documentation that has been placed in the Library .
8 All he can commit himself to is undoing everything that has been achieved in the past three years .
9 It will require the sort of active co-operation in peace that has been displayed in the war by the United Nations coalition .
10 The convergence of geopolitical events , of the consequences of the technology that has been fermenting in the post-war years , of new ideologies , of government processes are of a scale and significance unprecedented for half a century .
11 This is the approach that has been adopted in the past but , particularly in the non-business area , it has yielded markedly different conclusions .
12 The introduction of new joint honours courses designed to prepare students for careers in various fields in which a high degree of linguistic competence is required further illustrates the modern approach that has been adopted in the structure of curricula .
13 Instead an eclectic approach has been taken , highlighting some of the more significant work that has been done in the five years since the first edition of this book was published .
14 ‘ The damage that has been done in the pursuit of production is the direct result of treating farming as if it were simply another business ’ BRIAN REDHEAD
15 Most of the important Physics that has been done in the laboratory during that time has been profoundly influenced by Sir Charles .
16 It is referred here to the Dryopithecinae and it includes three groups : ( 1 ) Dryopithecus itself in tribe Dryopithecini ; ( 2 ) a newly proposed tribe , Afropithecini with Afropithecus , Heliopithecus and Otavipithecus , together with material from Maboko Island and Nachola that has been referred in the past to Kenyapithecus ; and ( 3 ) the Kenyapithecini , which includes Kenyapithecus wickeri from Fort Ternan , Griphopithecus alpani from Pasalar , Turkey , and the postcrania from Klein Hadersdorf .
17 Evidently the sound that has been heard in the upper room is not just in the upper room but it 's er it 's audible within the whole district .
18 The study complements and builds on the work , mainly on urban and industrial populations that has been conducted in the course of the Scottish Social Structure project developed in the Department of Sociology and the Research Centre for Social Sciences since 1980 .
19 I understand the concern that has been expressed in the House and in the country about this .
20 The deal , said by sources to be ‘ very valuable to Pyramid , ’ will also allow ICL to OEM the company 's high-end MIServer ES machines — this follows on from an informal Pyramid-ICL sales teaming that has been operating in the UK for the last few months .
21 New signings David James and Paul Stewart have further strengthened a strong squad that has been rejuvenated in the last year .
22 This conflict , it would seem , has come about because , broadly speaking , the human race has divided in its response to the vital choice that has been introduced in the foregoing paragraphs , and which can best be summarised as being between the following two major propositions .
23 Legal systems suppliers have recently formed a trade association that has been welcomed in the profession to encourage liaison and co-ordination .
24 McCall 's injury has returned because of the insufficient recovery time between matches and the Rangers ' secretary/director , Campbell Ogilvie , is now investigating the matter of what should be done about the free Saturday that has been left in the programme before Scotland 's next World Cup qualifying tie , against Portugal on 28 April .
25 This enables water that has been used in the final rinse for previous dishes to be boosted on the next batch to clear off detergents .
26 AMERICA 'S Securities and Exchange Commission ( SEC ) has set a sturdy hare running , one that has been lurking in the undergrowth for 15 years .
27 Give a detailed oral account of an event , or something that has been learned in the classroom , or explain with reasons why a particular course of action has been taken .
28 The former will reappear in chapter 5 in relation to investigations of glaciers , for example , and the latter is the reason for interdisciplinary cooperation that has been stressed in the preceding pages and is further developed in chapter 8 .
29 Yet that is the giant con that has been peddled in the Conservative press in recent weeks .
30 If the reader has more knowledge than the writer has supposed , then he will tend to disregard the discourse that has been plotted in the act of writing and simply take from the text whatever best suits his purpose .
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