Example sentences of "that [verb] [vb pp] into the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This brief contribution simply highlights the lack of research that has gone into the social , cultural and linguistic needs of the adult minorities .
2 CHURCHMEN and intellectuals in East Germany , worried about the new , aggressive tone that has crept into the emotional issue of reunification , yesterday warned against confrontation and called for a temporary end to mass street demonstrations .
3 ‘ They made me feel like … some species that had got into the wrong time slot .
4 The United States had the same sort of missiles in Italy and in Turkey and , before this crisis had developed , President Kennedy had in fact ordered them er to be er er returned to the United States , these missiles had no strategic purpose at all because a major change that had come into the strategic equation was the arrival of the intercontinental ballistic missile , and it was these missiles , really , which held the strategic balance er and were to change in fact radically both international politics and global strategy over the years to come , but I 'm going to talk about that later , the point I 'm making here is that er Khrushchev claimed that the missiles were there in the event of an American assault on Cuba , they were a deterrent weapon in exactly the same way as the defensive deterrent weapons er were d were defensive er for er the United States and for the Soviet Union .
5 The United States had the same sort of missiles in Italy and in Turkey and , before this crisis had developed , President Kennedy had in fact ordered them er to be er er returned to the United States , these missiles had no strategic purpose at all because a major change that had come into the strategic equation was the arrival of the intercontinental ballistic missile , and it was these missiles , really , which held the strategic balance er and were to change in fact radically both international politics and global strategy over the years to come , but I 'm going to talk about that later , the point I 'm making here is that er Khrushchev claimed that the missiles were there in the event of an American assault on Cuba , they were a deterrent weapon in exactly the same way as the defensive deterrent weapons er were d were defensive er for er the United States and for the Soviet Union .
6 In many parts of Britain tips add identity and character to the landscape , Isolde reclines and glistens in the virgin whiteness of the Cornish sunlight , contrasting with the coal-black tips that have heaved into the dull , greyness of Lancashire 's sky .
7 Because we 're having this sort of interference from a central source , er , they 're actually handling in collating and all the information related to bids has been made throughout the whole of England , and it 's , it 's just too , too large to control , and it 's so unfair in the way that they will interpret different things from the remoteness of London , and I think it 's important that , to notice too , that the amount of monies that have gone into the Scottish regions since the im part of the E C prior to the E U , and it 's important to realize how much control they have actually have and how that money was dispersed .
8 What will happen then to the objects , including possible spaceships , that have fallen into the black hole ?
9 The number of particles in the baby universe will be equal to the number of particles that have fallen into the black hole , plus the number of particles that the black hole emits during its evaporation .
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