Example sentences of "that [verb] [prep] [art] [num ord] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The later theory of instincts , which included the death instincts , as well as the sexual instincts which were retained from the first formulation , seemed to solve the theoretical difficulties that arose with the first theory of instincts .
2 ‘ I saw him on the television the other night it was his run and cross down the left that led to the first goal against England .
3 ‘ By 1976 , the Government decided it had to act and that led to the first TV campaign with the line ‘ Do n't take your car for a drink ’ . ’
4 It was this that led to the first hints of how the theories of quantum mechanics and general relativity might affect each other — a glimpse of the shape of a quantum theory of gravity yet to come .
5 Gorbachev on Dec. 4 had announced to the USSR Supreme Soviet emergency plans to import basic foodstuffs to the value of 2,100 million roubles ( US$1,050 million at the new commercial exchange rate ) to ensure that supplies in the first quarter of 1991 were at the levels of the same period in 1990 .
6 Combined with industrial and commercial developments , it enabled Catalonia to support a population that doubled within the eighteenth century .
7 Since we must have some way of linking each component to the next one in the structure , each component must contain a link or pointer that points to the next component in the structure .
8 The oddest is that used in the fourteenth century by the English historian Adam of Murimuth .
9 A typical theoretical framework is that proposed in the first chapter of Bell ( 1991 ) , discussing the methodological requirements of translation .
10 Then , when we actually visit that place for the first time , a subconscious memory is triggered and we are convinced that we knew instinctively what it would look like .
11 Also shown are photographs of some of the more notable news happenings that occurred during the first half of the present century .
12 In conclusion , it is clear that from this examination of the state of weaponry and warfare throughout the reign of Barbarossa , and given that he lived to the age of 70 , he must have experienced many of the gradual changes and improvements in arms and armour that occurred during the twelfth century .
13 And , his answer to that , is that psychoanalysis can give us a very interesting and unique insight into , into religion , and this was an insight which had emerged in the course of , the nineteen twenties , following the developments of psychoanalysis that occurred after the First World War , which we 've already looked at and is essentially the concept of transference .
14 Though I do not desire to stray into fields where others here are expert , I must point out that according to the first chapter of Genesis the world was so constituted from the beginning that good and evil were created together in it , and also that the knowledge of them existed before mankind .
15 In April Prime Minister Pavlov announced that compared with the first quarter of 1990 there had been in the first quarter of 1991 a 10 per cent fall in national income , a 5 per cent fall in industrial output and a 13 per cent fall in agricultural output .
16 That is , I think , a somewhat tendentious description of the classic realist novel , and , in fact , writers like E. M. Forster , D. H. Lawrence , Ernest Hemingway , Evelyn Waugh and Graham Greene have written fiction that answers to the twentieth century 's sense of moral and philosophical crisis without deviating violently from the conventions of classic realism .
17 This was anticipated that there would be some add-on to the report that came to the last committee .
18 If BR could not make a case for seven trains for one of its most profitable routes , it was clear that plans for a second tranche of HSTs for the Cross Country group of services would not satisfy the new criteria .
19 Winters are wild enough to curtail many of the outdoor pursuits that attract in the first place .
20 It is the speaker 's intention and the addressee 's successful location of the intended referent that matter in the first usage , not the exact aptness of the description , so that we could call this usage speaker reference ( as opposed to semantic reference ; Donnellan , 1978 ; Kaplan , 1978 ) .
21 This supposition is , I think , based on the simplistic idea that the natural conditions of language learning through use that obtain in a first language setting and in naturalistic contexts for second language acquisition can be directly replicated in foreign language classrooms .
22 I am also the Great White Spirit that resides in the fifth dimension , everything is connected to my fingertips — by wires . ’
23 Modernity is a historical process that began in the eighteenth century with the philosophical Enlightenment .
24 The whole great crime story wave that began in the last years of the nineteenth century and rose to its towering peak in the 1920s and 1930s began with the short story .
25 The net result has been a marked resurgence of the disease in many parts of the world to what some people , including the famous American malariologist Paul Russel , consider to be levels that existed before the Second World War .
26 Of meetings which had begun in London in 1645 , the mathematician John Wallis could say : These remarks indicate the scope that existed by the mid-seventeenth century for differentiation between the sciences .
27 He certainly had a Herculean task to maintain any consistency of policy among an immensely disparate collection of politicians , constituting , I think , one of the most brilliant Cabinets of our time , short of the Cabinet that served after the Second World War .
28 ‘ Raised ’ from the ruck , originally , by his family 's wealth , he does n't want to ‘ sink ’ , and rejects ‘ the idea of defeat ’ that prevails in the Third World : ‘ I 'm tired of being on the losing side .
29 Received Pronunciation is the accent , used by a minority of speakers in Britain , that developed in the nineteenth century in the public schools and universities , and was associated in the 1930s and 1940s with BBC newsreaders .
30 Sponsored by UNESCO , the meeting followed up initiatives that sprang from the Third Consultation of Ministers of Culture of Latin America/Caribbean in September last year .
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