Example sentences of "that [noun] have been [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But the only reason for that relatively peaceful state of affairs was , quite simply , that Lisa had been so busy that their paths had very rarely crossed .
2 iii Determine which areas of defence science and technology have been most penetrated by US sources , and attempt a preliminary categorisation of how , and in what areas that penetration has been most effective .
3 It did not seem to occur to him that Ramsey had been only eighteen months in an important job for which he was perfectly fitted .
4 This is a topic which has been the focus of some scholarly discussion , partly because Leonardo himself is known to have visited the city in 1500 , but mainly because Vasari , in the second edition of the Lives , stated that Giorgione had been greatly impressed by some unspecified works of Leonardo 's which he had seen .
5 It was not surprising that Benny had been as excited as a hen walking on hot coals all summer long , never able to keep still , always jumping up with some further excitement .
6 We have found in the past that visitors have been most appreciative of the efforts made to inform them and have also been most complimentary on what they have seen .
7 Now , in the long-house , she realized that Scathach had been fully aware of the special pain she felt .
8 I think that attitude has been very bad for the industry as a whole .
9 Ignoring measurements above 50m ( the mixed layer depth ) the mean temperature difference of -0.15°C between 1991 and 1981 shows that cooling has been much greater than since 1962 ( -0.08°C ) .
10 The document expressed great concern that Wilson had been strongly pro-Israel when prime minister from 1964–70 and that his return to office would sour relations with the Arabs at a time when the international oil crisis was acute .
11 I did n't explain that Oliver had been uncharacteristically well-behaved .
12 Exit-poll findings and election returns showed that Tyminski had been most successful in the countryside and small towns , where the benefits of the economic reforms had so far been negligible , and among young people waiting for housing and workers concerned about their jobs .
13 Ira Wolf , the assistant US Representative for Trade Negotiations , said that China had been too slow in opening its markets .
14 He admitted that Ipswich had been as fortunate to beat Newcastle as they were to beat Wolves in midweek .
15 One is to telephone , or write to her beforehand , saying that things have been so hectic at your end recently that it seemed at one point that you might have to postpone your visit for a week or two , but that you are so keen to see her that you are absolutely determined to ‘ make it ’ somehow , even if it has to be just a ‘ flying visit ’ .
16 Volenti would not appear to be applicable but the court might hold that Arthur has been contributorily negligent in respect of his injury and reduce damages accordingly .
17 Neither does it excuse the fact that SSDs have been woefully slow in producing practice guidance for staff .
18 And perhaps RTI : I happen to know that Joe 's been very impressed with your work .
19 In the same way that Franco had been heavily dependent on Serrano Suñer 's political acumen when dealing with unfamiliar problems in the period 1937 – 42 , he was now increasingly reliant on Carrero .
20 The Annual Report for 1904–5 of the STA suggests that trade had been exceptionally busy for the previous few years .
21 Furthermore , they would point to the fact that downturns have been relatively temporary and have always been followed by a return to high levels of expenditure .
22 The doctor in the Accident and Emergency Department told them that Sally had been very lucky ; sniffing aerosols can kill at the first attempt , and some people 's hearts are affected .
23 It had been recognized that Liberals had been more adept at handling the press because they were more ready to stoop to newspaper practices , as Sandars had reported in 1909 :
24 The woman she met with at DSD explained that Caroline had been very lucky .
25 At least Churchill is on record that Roosevelt had been more outspoken with him on the subject of Indochina than on any other colonial matter : ‘ I imagine it is one of his principal war aims to liberate Indochina from France ’ .
26 There is little doubt that doctors have been very successful in establishing high status , protection from lay criticism and favourable terms on which to define and monopolise work tasks .
27 I got the impression that Jean-Claude had been so certain that his relationship with his sister was the most singular she would ever make , that the mere fact of their not living under the same roof would do nothing to erode what they had together .
28 She said that Berlin had been very fortunate to follow Washington in hosting the exhibition , and praised the close co-operation with the United States and the way in which art was combined with documentary material .
29 On that , I think it is generally known , that we , that Telford was n't anywhere near the top of the list , and it had been taken purely on the question of the er , needs of the various areas , it 's unlikely that Telford would have succeeded , even with its reduced geographical area , but I made discrete enquiries and was told that the factor which tipped er , the Commission in favour of Telford , and this has an important bearing on what we 're going to discuss later , was the fact that Telford has been very good in taking up schemes and providing their section , and not just the Wreakin District Council , other area , other bodies in Telford , of getting good innovative schemes off the ground and providing the cash , they did n't , as some areas did , get the status , and then hardly do anything about it .
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