Example sentences of "that [noun] [vb past] [verb] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The final outfit was one that Alison had brought along with her .
2 Basically that David had moved out of Plaistow Grove to leave her on her own to die , to live with the fancy whore from America , and yet on other days , of course , I was perfectly lovely and would come and shop with her and do everything .
3 But we stuck with the same tune that Wally had come up with .
4 The administration pointed out that Cheney had referred specifically to " force structures , bases and weapons systems affecting the US-based military " , and had also said that " defence contracts would be terminated " .
5 In my talk I mentioned a number of specific things that Scott had brought about for Scotland as the result of his friendship with George IV .
6 The report , compiled by Judge Ezra Kama and issued on July 18 , claimed that rioting had broken out at the Temple Mount after the accidental discharge of a police tear-gas canister near a group of Palestinian women .
7 They felt they 'd been made fools of … and the ring is some sort of family heirloom and his father went on as if it was all Rick 's fault that Angy had made off with it . ’
8 I 'd guessed that Downes wanted to go back to his car to hide something , so I played along with all that hearing-aid rubbish .
9 I could also see the rock that Neil had pointed out to me , still half out of water .
10 He found that speakers tended to look most at listeners during the most fluent phases of speech .
11 It was apparent that Labour had done well in the old inner cities , which the population had been leaving in the previous decade , partly owing to the growth of suburbs , partly owing to the effects of wartime bombing .
12 Indeed , this week was the first time that Graf had joined up with Kohde-Kilsch since the Olympics .
13 He had almost decided that Marie had run out like that because she had found Bella dead or dying .
14 Subsequent reports said that rescuers had recovered up to 180 bodies from the wreckage .
15 And it was another Jezrael that Eiker had left behind in Witwaterstrand in shreds .
16 Incidentally , they were things that Mikhoels had brought back from Chagall as a gift for the Tretyakov Gallery .
17 Barnett 's account of the Cabinet meeting of 1 February shows that matters had improved little in the command and control post of the British system of government since that awful day at Chequers in November 1974 when gloom descended :
18 About eleven I noticed that Nigel had dozed off with a smile still on his face .
19 Bacon and Eltis went on to suggest that labour had been successful in protecting itself from erosion of C m , so that adjustment had fallen largely on I m i.e. investment in the marketable sector .
20 Her garter belt was a pre-war birthday present , and she wore a pair of the precious nylons that Sylvia had brought back from the States .
21 Two of the walls were covered with his drawings and paintings and on one wall were shelves that Tom had fixed up for his clothes and treasures .
22 He found that Christians had stood firmly by their faith and practice ; only one family had lapsed , and that had been very weak , even in the best of times .
23 On 18th , January 1912 , Captain Robert Falcon Scott , and his colleagues , reached the South Pole to find that Amundsen had reached there before them , and the whole party perished in appalling weather on their return journey to their ship Terra Nova , in which they had sailed from England in 1910 .
24 Swainson 's original contract called for him to produce volumes at three-month intervals ; he had already done preliminary work for his abortive encyclopedia , but even so the rate of production envisaged is astonishing , and it is not surprising that Swainson failed to keep up with his timetable .
25 The Tokyo stock exchange fell to its lowest level in 3½ years on Sept. 28 on unfounded rumours that war had broken out in the Gulf .
26 Thus was sexual liberation defined by an almost exclusively male heterosexual group , drawing on old subversions — Dada , Surrealism , Beat , Situationism — diffused through the mass-market expansion into commercial sex that Playboy had pioneered back in the 1950s .
27 Here the old belief that Nature tended to develop inevitably towards a predictable goal resurfaced in one of the newest branches of science , which had been designed to replace the old approach to natural history .
28 Her face had a close , guarded look — one that Lily had seen already on Robert .
29 An initial press release from the Atomic Energy Authority ( AEA ) said that radioactivity had blown out to sea .
30 Perhaps it was a show of support for his disciplining of Gilchrist ; perhaps there was the feeling that Worrell had drifted away from the hub of West Indies cricket ; or perhaps once again the selectors simply could not bring themselves to appoint a black man .
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