Example sentences of "that [noun] [modal v] [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We judged that Stirling would need the wider bandwidth of 10 Mbps for the more sophisticated applications of the 90s .
2 In general it is likely that builders will prefer the additional green field land to the substantive existing provision within the built-up area .
3 In a letter to Lul , archbishop of Mainz in 773 , Alhred and Osgifu expressed the hope that Lul would help the Northumbrian envoys in Gaul to establish peace and friendship between the Northumbrian and Frankish courts .
4 It has also been a tenet of good security that prisoners should spend the maximum time outside their cells being kept busy working .
5 In the prisons , formal education is available in the subjects taught in Nicaraguan schools , so that prisoners can complete the six grades of elementary schooling .
6 I would imagine that Shereen would apply the same kind of pattern as you did to the de-toxification centre meeting , Shereen , and I felt that there were a great many people there , a great many interested , including the voluntary interest .
7 It tried to jump off the table and had to be held firmly so that Sophie could freeze the surrounding area before lancing it .
8 On Nov. 27 German Federal Chancellor Helmut Kohl promised that Germany would recognize the two republics " before Christmas " .
9 I thought it essential to set out a full precedent for both the agreement and lease , so that readers could see the complete documentation and how I propose to amend it .
10 A UNDP report released at the congress warned that AIDS could threaten the economic well-being of Asian countries , which by the year 2000 would account for 42 per cent of the world 's projected 100,000,000 cases .
11 The commission , in its first rule , hoped that authors would mention the official name in parenthesis next to the name chosen by them .
12 It was claimed that closure would affect the local atmosphere since the school acted as a focus of activity yet there was little mention of any economic loss and no fear of any demographic effects .
13 It can be argued that tendering will give the best result from the vendor 's point of view , as each purchaser is likely to submit his best offer and therefore in the absence of knowledge of the level of other tenders , may pay a figure far in excess of the nearest competitor .
14 He argued that aid would betray the Baltic states , and , just as important , would remove the Soviet Union 's incentives to put its house in order .
15 Launching a document called Green Power , energy spokesman Kevin Barron , said that Labour would change the existing levy on fossil fuels used for other energy sources ( primarily nuclear power ) into a clean energy levy .
16 of people in that wider community told a Harris poll that they believed that Labour would raise the basic rate of tax , 57 per cent .
17 Deepening concern that Labour could form the next government at Westminster provides a potent message for the billboards which other parties , with links to neither of the two main protaganists , can not match : ‘ Vote Kennedy to keep Kinnock out . ’
18 Could not he have arranged for that report to be leaked to the hon. Member for Livingston ( Mr. Cook ) , because that might have prevented the hon. Gentleman from making the foolish pledge that Labour will abolish the excellent reforms ?
19 In contrast , the Munn Report assumed that headteachers would take the broad decisions after consultation .
20 Sam Nujoma , President of Namibia , which became a Commonwealth member at independence in March 1990 , said that he hoped that Mandela would attend the next CHOGM , in 1993 , " as head of state of a non-racial , democratic South Africa " .
21 He and Chris Grant , on The Thinker , jumped the last together , but it was always on the cards that McCourt would have the upper hand .
22 We must accept that the positive part of conventionalism — that judges must respect the explicit extension of legal conventions — can not offer any useful advice to judges in hard cases .
23 The Comintern suggestion that Communists should approach the official national committees of their respective Social Democratic Parties was , however , a significant departure .
24 Critics of the idea argue that companies can achieve the same purpose by paying out good dividends , but Laing questions whether much of this money finds its way back into the community .
25 There is a danger that parents may become the new fashion , the non-political perfect solution to any aggressive problem arising between the local and the national .
26 Before the Observer leaked extracts , ministers in the DTI took the view that publication would allow the Labour party to accuse them of jeopardising the rights of any defendants to a fair trial .
27 Kozyrev suggested that Russia would honour the 1956 bilateral agreement under which the Soviet Union had offered to return two of the four disputed territories to Japan .
28 The visit followed a meeting between Miyazawa and Russian President Boris Yeltsin at the UN headquarters in New York in January 1992 , when it had been confirmed that Yeltsin would visit Japan in September 1992 , and when Yeltsin reportedly gave assurances that Russia would honour the 1956 agreement .
29 The paradoxes put forward Tolkien 's theses that determination should survive the worst that can happen , that a stout pretence is more valuable than sincere despair .
30 Separately , US PC Week highlights Intel 's unhappiness with the cavalier way in which IBM has been offering to all and sundry the iAPX-86 chip variants it has designed under its second source agreement with IBM , and suggests that the agreement is being renegotiated , and that IBM may get the right to make enhanced versions of the Pentium only if it agrees to strict limits on how many it can make for itself or sale .
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