Example sentences of "that [noun] [verb] [adv] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In spite of this , most studies agree that mergers have not on average improved the subsequent performance of the merging companies .
2 It appears that Lucas did not in fact impose this restriction , but estimated equation ( 6.6 ) freely .
3 There is also some evidence that cities doing well in manufacturing will also do well in service-sector employment .
4 The savagery in his face was such a horrifying contrast to his recent ardour that Isabel shrank back in terror , stumbling over one of the benches .
5 It is only a couple of years ago that Jenkins rejected out of hand the Wales involvement he has now taken on , and — until Davies and the Wales manager , Robert Norster , beat their path to his door — he has tended to use the expression ‘ poisoned chalice ’ whenever anyone sounded out his interest or rather the lack of it .
6 It is not surprising to learn that Sutherland felt so in sympathy with Picasso 's Guernica and later regretted that , in 1945 , he had not observed for himself the concentration camps .
7 ‘ It 's not quite as easy as that , ’ she said , her voice so full of sympathy that Dana looked up in alarm .
8 Did n't Edith say then that Ann came across for Christmas ?
9 Dealers who have left Harvard to go to other firms will tell their ex-Harvard clients that Harvard did n't in fact have that much in the way of research facilities , but clients were reluctant to accept this .
10 So why not say , then , that in development perception ‘ teaches ’ action , that as the information delivered up by the input systems becomes progressively ‘ richer ’ the infant becomes better able to direct his own movements , rather than saying that cognisance develops out of action ?
11 Plants will use proportionately less water and save time , with the bonuses that plants do better with company , and damage to the roots from frost in winter is less likely .
12 If you 're looking to explain the televisualisation of Tinseltown , then perhaps it 's not just a coincidence that Marshall started out in TV : acting in , then directing Laverne And Shirley , a spin-off from the Fifties nostalgia sitcom Happy Days .
13 The most certain features of Figure 9.10 are that Jupiter consists largely of hydrogen , that much of the interior is liquid/gas , that there is no atmosphere/surface interface , that there is some concentration towards the centre of icy and rocky substances ( this is required by the density versus depth ) , that the hydrogen exists in metallic form beyond a fairly modest depth , and that the interior is hot .
14 The assumption that individuals act out of self-interest , narrowly defined , is of course open to question , and Downs himself sought to explain electoral participation as the basis of ‘ each citizen 's realization that democracy can not function unless many people vote ’ ( Downs , 1957 , p. 274 ) .
15 Eyles managed to get his officers to eject his rival , with the result that Franklin stood directly in front of Eyles for the duration of the service .
16 It was next morning that Hazlitt came down to breakfast to find Coleridge with a letter he had just received from the Wedgwoods .
17 The alarm call of the blackbird or the chattering hiss of the squirrel when a cat walks into my garden tell all and sundry that danger stalks near at hand .
18 He said this with such hatred that Oliver woke up from fear .
19 It came out , shaking so that water spun off in silver spray .
20 By studying the gospel references to the apocalyptic Jewish figure of the ‘ Son of Man ’ — whom Jesus sometimes appears to identify with himself , but sometimes not — Wrede had come to the conclusions that Jesus had not in fact applied the title to himself ; that after his resurrection the church had come to anticipate his return ; that it had then identified Jesus himself as the coming Son of Man ; and that the impression given in the gospels of a ‘ messianic secret ’ that Jesus in his lifetime conveyed only to his closest disciples , and charged them not to reveal to others until the proper time came , was a mere literary device to support that identification .
21 Titles that Whitaker learns about after publication to into the list as soon as possible .
22 I still believe that writers write out of love .
23 They can double or treble the two-match suspension and £1,800 fine that Northants imposed immediately on skipper Lamb for exposing the ball-fiddle by speaking out without his county 's permission .
24 Also from Booth 's conversation with Dicke it can be concluded that Dicke knew long before World War II that wheat products contained the offending agent ; ‘ It was a young mother 's statement of her coeliac child 's rash improving rapidly if she removed bread from the diet , that alerted his interest , when he was a paediatrician in The Hague in 1936 . ’
25 Breakage is nearly always associated with digestion in these assemblages , and it would appear that breakage occurs soon after ingestion , with lines of weakness thus exposed being attacked by digestive fluids .
26 ‘ This is just putting the tools that burglars use back into circulation . ’
27 The result was that people cared little about slavery .
28 The polar opposite of automatic support is the idea that people act out of self-interest in family relationships , as in other areas of life .
29 It claimed that people feel more in control of their lives if they are inching forward on a journey , rather than waiting for something to happen .
30 In his view , it is fallacious to say that Unix costs less per number of users than mainframes because no-one has ever put a large number of users on Unix boxes .
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