Example sentences of "that [pron] had been [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 But I do not mean to suggest either , he wrote , that it was all waiting and no doing , all sitting and no action , for though it was impossible to tell when the beginning would come , indeed , he wrote , there could not have been a real beginning if it had been possible to tell , for if it had been possible to tell that would have meant that there had already been a beginning , no , wrote Harsnet ( typed Goldberg ) , occasionally things were done , work was begun , though it was soon abandoned , it added up to nothing , it only showed me that I had been mistaken in thinking that I had indeed started .
2 IN EXTRACTS from my forthcoming book , A Cuckoo in the Bodyline Nest , published in the May and June issues of WCM , I wrote that I had been born in Marathon Avenue , Darling Point , Sydney , next door to Gubby Allen .
3 I think I must have been gradually going off into a faint when I suddenly thought of mother reading the telegram saying that I had been killed in action .
4 She took little account of time , and was hardly even aware that she had been placed in Lady Merchiston 's old bedchamber .
5 She stayed away for two weeks , and there were reports that she had been seen in Bath with Sergeant Troy .
6 She looked back at him and smiled gently , and he saw that she had been writing in a workman-like leather-bound notebook .
7 The first statement issued by COPREFA , the armed forces press office , declared that she had been killed in combat and claimed she was a guerrilla combatant who operated under the name of Comandante Lucia .
8 Shelley was beginning to see that she had been put in a very special place of importance in Miguel 's confidence .
9 It must mean that she had been mentioned in the will .
10 She was indeed torpedoed by a German submarine , but that was two years after the claim that she had been sunk in September 1939 .
11 The housekeeper , French by origin and known as Madame , was one of those fair Nordic or Norman types whose hair and complexion were of a uniformity to suggest that she had been dipped in custard .
12 He told the jurors they should look for corroboration of the 18-year-old woman 's claim that she had been attacked in the officer 's marked police car .
13 Could she come to terms with the knowledge that they had been conceived in that dreadful place ?
14 But she did confirm that they had been deposited in the Kazachi Aquarium , which is surrounded by military bases , and not open to the public , before their bid for freedom .
15 Yesterday , when the Government were defending their postition at the United Nations in Geneva on interrogation procedures and denying that anything untoward was happening , settlements were being awarded in Belfast courts to people who had claimed that they had been assaulted in just those circumstances .
16 To settle in America they were forced to sign documents stating that they had been persecuted in Russia and were seeking political asylum .
17 On Feb. 5 lawyers for two Palestinians convicted following the October 1985 hijacking of the Italian cruise ship Achille Lauro [ see pp. 34077-79 ] announced that they had been released in December 1990 and had left for Algeria .
18 But besides being improbable in itself , it can scarcely be true , for Eadmer had mentioned that they had been produced in the royal court after Anselm 's death in 1109 .
19 Some of the women who were followers of Jesus had returned from the tomb where Jesus had been buried , saying that it was empty , that they had been told in a vision that Jesus had risen from the dead .
20 Most people refused to believe them and said that they had been faked in Hollywood .
21 She was surprised to find that it was still not too late , only lunchtime actually , and she was further surprised when Felipe merely informed the other two that they had been driving in the mountains .
22 Charlotte chose one of the least ostentatious chairs , only to find , when she rested her hand on the rounded end of the arm , that it had been carved in the likeness of a naked woman bending forwards , between whose ample gilded buttocks one of her fingers was dangling .
23 The thought that it had been inside his mouth , touching his tongue and gums and those rather small but perfect teeth , that it had been drenched in some of his most intimate fluids gave me an erotic thrill .
24 before that it had been done in eighty one , eighty two , eighty four , eighty six , eighty eight and ninety , so curiously now , it 's it 's missed out several years ,
25 She learnt that it had been developed in the 1920s by a German physician , Dr Max Gerson .
26 One hypothesis which had gained wide acceptance and which was consistent with the damage to the aircraft was that it had been hit in error by a NATO missile .
27 Alders and willows and rich grass and wild rose briars described a great , smooth horseshoe shape that was still hollowed gently into the green earth , with such authority that it had been acknowledged in perpetuity as a natural boundary , and a single large field hemmed within it .
28 Subsequently , however , the Moscow correspondent of the daily La Stampa examined the original of the letter , which had been discovered in the KGB archives , and reported that it had been misquoted in 12 places .
29 He published an autobiography in 1975 : he chose to portray himself as a rapscallion ( internal evidence suggests that it had been written in jail ) .
30 A World Bank spokesman responded to the leak by denying that the memo in any way represented Bank policy , and adding that it had been written in a deliberately ironic tone in order to provoke internal debate within the organization .
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