Example sentences of "that [pron] had [verb] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I began to feel better now that everyone had forgotten the missing pie .
2 I needed to be reassured that I had reached a hospitable culture …
3 A feeling that I had run a terrible risk and now everything was going to be all right .
4 It was the first time that I had run a 60 metres in years and I improved my personal best to 6.63 seconds , which I was pleased with — but not so happy , obviously , to lose to Lincoln by one-hundredth of a second .
5 The fact that I had adopted an alternative approach via traditional Chinese medicine was brushed aside as irrelevant .
6 As the years passed I discovered that I had developed a special school ‘ personality ’ which was a distortion of myself .
7 I told him that I had heard a great deal about his sister .
8 It did not matter that I had rejected my father 's ways , that I had become a marine and was as poor as a church mouse while McIllvanney had become a rich man ; the stench of privilege still clung to me and McIllvanney loved to discomfort me because of it .
9 In fact 31 of us turned up to support our annual ‘ big day out ’ and enabled me to realise that I had done the correct thing in cancelling the previously booked 20 seater coach .
10 However , I was in no doubt that I had done the right thing by leaving him .
11 I replied that it was not the first time , but that I had borne the previous occasions with courage and would do so now .
12 It was clear long afterwards that I had suffered a serious mental shock .
13 When I dared to go to the scales I discovered that I had lost a further ten pounds in five days .
14 I conceded that it might have been wiser , and indeed more seemly , to have consulted her before a decision was reached ; but I did not add that I had advised the Prime Minister to agree to a meeting over her head because I was convinced that she would never accept a challenge to her authority .
15 As a consequence I really wish that I had spent the extra money and bought a slightly better machine .
16 It was not that I had abandoned the political book : it was that the mounting gravity of current events had turned my interests from theory to practice .
17 So I wanted to get that memory out of the way and I was just happy that I had had a better game ’ .
18 Immediately I was instructed that I had had the good fortune to be posted to ‘ the division where real polising is done … ’
19 I came home quite convinced that I 'd never met anyone since that I had had the same feeling for .
20 Driving to a knitting meeting with Bryan our Club President , I happened to mention that I had acquired an old Empisal 100 for knitting thicker yarns and slub cottons .
21 As I settled down in the straw-filled barn that I had left a few moments ago in search of food , I looked around at the now sleeping Frenchman , stretched out in the straw .
22 Only when she was out of sight and I had turned a corner did I remember that I had left the little willow leaf from her body lying upstairs on her Sophocles .
23 Luckily Crispins of Curtain Road in London , my main veneer supplier , still had four leaves from the same bundle that I had purchased the original set from .
24 Moving outside to fit the new cylinder , I noticed that I had dropped the tiny rubber washer that fitted between the cylinder and stove .
25 I had decided that I had to have a partial confidant at the school .
26 While I was being so damned honest all of a sudden , there was no use pretending any longer that I had chosen the obscure fishing village of Collioure for a holiday for any other reason than because I had heard he usually went there .
27 I should mention that I had bought a few items of clothing that morning , before the trial began .
28 The realization that he was the mouse came instinctively , quickly followed by the slightly ludicrous observation that someone had made a gigantic balls-up .
29 Burun was pleased that someone had asked an intelligent question .
30 He noticed that someone had moved the few horses they had managed to round up , and sent two men to find out where they had been taken .
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