Example sentences of "that [pron] could [verb] to the " in BNC.

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1 For if there is the smallest hope of escape … if there is the merest chance that I could return to the world and to Grainne , I would tear this place down stone by stone .
2 Sometimes I feel that I could get to the point where I 'd let her get on the bus [ transport to day care ] in the morning and then ring them up later and say ‘ Do n't bring her back because I wo n't let her in ’ …
3 As for the little animals , the gerbils , white mice and hamsters , they had to die their muddy little ploppy deaths so that I could get to the Skull of Old Saul .
4 For it was only by studying the precise rake of extra-long pans , the trajectory of tracking shots and the jejune emotional appeal of the jump-cut , that I could add to the repertoire of my own internal shoots .
5 The older girls drifted off into one of their exclusive conversations and Sally bit her lip against the rasp of Louise 's massager and wished desperately that she could go to the youth club dance too .
6 This would mean that one could appeal to the weak anthropic principle , provided one could show that string theory does at least allow there to be such regions of the universe-and it seems that indeed string theory does .
7 However , this says nothing about coordination between agencies and it is here that one could point to the possible role of networks as well .
8 So just looking at that process , the process of making a piece of practical drama , whether it comes from text or not … the processes of assessment are very complex and far-reaching , and I think it would be very unreal to say that anybody could get to the end of that process without knowing very clearly what … the task had been , how they had approached it , how it had gone at the end really .
9 erm because basically the answer was because it meant finding erm making some new cash contribution to a hundred million word National Corpus for the nation , rather than , as it were , ‘ selling it ’ in inverted commas , the Corpus material which Collins , through the Birmingham University already have at their disposal , and the gap between the material that they could contribute to the project in kind and the erm role we wanted them to play just was n't compatible .
10 Moreover , Don Juan 's sympathies lay with the Allies , which contributed to making his followers in Spain believe that they could look to the Western democracies in general , and to Great Britain in particular , for support .
11 Knowing that half of Scotland had left their cars sitting in the middle of roads to make sure that they could get to the gig is not so much my horror story as the police 's , she chuckled .
12 He also showed his inexperience by asking Gerry Gomez , his captain , if he could be substituted so that he could go to the airport to meet his sister .
13 Another friend of mine , a man who spent most of his adult life looking after his elderly parents until they both died within a year of each other , came home from work one evening and suddenly realised that he could go to the cinema and have a meal out without worrying about anyone else .
14 My old man occasionally joined us on a Saturday morning , but only to get some cash off Granpa so that he could go to the Black Bull and spend it all with his mate Bert Shorrocks .
15 It was not something that he could admit to the outside world , though .
16 The jury , sitting in court 4 at Bristol , were sent home early by Judge Overend , so that he could drive to the bridge to see for himself the spot at which the accident happened .
17 He waited ; patient , alert , ready to take the only way now that he could escape to the Forest of Dean .
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