Example sentences of "that [pron] [noun] had been [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 I knew that when at last I was demobilised from the Waaf I would have to return to my peacetime occupation as a secretary in London , for the simple reason that my employers had been paying me my full salary all the time I had been in the Forces , that is , making up the difference between my Waaf pay and what I would have been earning with them .
2 I had not before realised that my canoe had been following me but I soon felt it as the point hit my back and then went down underneath me , dragging me down and sandwiching me between the canoe and the tree .
3 So it was obvious that my father had been thinking of this long before .
4 Somalia said that its forces had been pursuing anti-government rebels .
5 Oh , crumbs , Leith thought , and , while knowing Rosemary to be a highly intelligent girl , had a most worrying feeling that her parents had been putting some hard groundwork in on the proposition that , once married , women were n't supposed to have friends !
6 The Princess of Wales once told me that her husband had been watching the Miss World contest , which quite surprised me .
7 She was convinced now that her husband had been working on a book about The Hell Fire Club and …
8 Then it was there , the blurry light of the candles and the singing Happy Birthday and the big whoosh … and the clapping , and when the curtains were open again Benny saw the thin young man that her father had been shaking hands with .
9 Meanwhile their investigation had received help from Roxie Farmer 's reluctant admission that her brother had been staying with her , and that he had gone off one day , borrowing her former husband 's bike , and had come back with blood on him .
10 The girl , who will be seven next month , told the High Court in Glasgow that her grandfather had been wearing a red nose and had been dressed like a clown at the time .
11 Leith mentally shook herself to join in the conversation , realising that her mother had been speaking of the wonderful opportunities there were for world-wide travelling these days .
12 The second er reason which he gave me , of course I should have thought for myself , he said , but the accountants more accurately represented the human form than did the rats , so that was a clear one to him , but it was the third one that really floored me , when he told me that their staff had been getting really attached to the rats .
13 He sat on a huge leather chair with a sigh of relief and it was clear to Hari that his leg had been giving him trouble .
14 Due to the fact that his marriage had been heading for the rocks ?
15 He knew , too , that his head had been aching and that his mind was capable of playing tricks upon him .
16 He told officers that his friend had been looking for Carol in Bristol on the Friday before she died .
17 Her husband , who was carrying her clubs and who , in golfing terms , is very much of the conservative half of the partnership , had refrained from protesting , presumably on the grounds that his wife had been playing well and was ‘ up ’ for the shot .
18 She had that envelope out again , the one that his Dad had been looking at last night .
19 He guessed at once that his son had been talking to Yuan , and even though the casual disclosure of information had been prearranged , he regretted the unavoidability of the confrontation which was about to occur .
20 Although he was chary of broaching the subject of a full-time shepherd , when he did so , he found that his father had been giving some thought to the matter .
21 Damn him if she would explain that the young man to whom he 'd referred had merely been a fellow Briton attending a conference on international computing , that they 'd exchanged nothing more than a few polite comments natural to fellow compatriots abroad , and that his arm had been lying across the back of the bench seats and not round her shoulders .
22 Yesterday Mike O'Connor , a Stockton builder who briefly worked with Mr Round early last year , said he had ended their association after learning that his partner had been bouncing cheques to suppliers .
23 Yesterday Mike O'Connor , a Stockton builder who briefly worked with Mr Round early last year , said he had ended their association after learning that his partner had been bouncing cheques to suppliers .
24 When the young man was twenty he discovered that his mother had been boasting about how wonderful he was to all her friends .
25 Here he dismounted and prayed that whatever spirit had been working within him would continue to work , that this furious feeling of benevolence to all mind — if only a beggar would pass by and he could give him a shilling ! — would not abate , that he ‘ could truly and today start a new life , O Lord , for Thy sake and in Thy name ’ .
26 I told him that your man had been annoyin' me with his ‘ is-that-a-he-or-a-she ? ’ questions so I threatened to take my prick out and show it to him .
27 It seemed eminently believable that you , or possibly your family , had been annoyed , devastated — whatever — on finding out that your grandfather had been playing around with a young Irish girl , and had sent you over to demand an explanation , exact retribution … ’
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