Example sentences of "that [pron] [be] [vb pp] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Maybe it is for myself I mind , rather than for him ! 'T IS not so much that Richard is bound for sanctuary — as that I am denied such privilege .
2 So good were her father 's hints and tips that she was appointed official yearbook photographer at high school and from there she went on to study applied photography at college .
3 So good were her father 's hints and tips that she was appointed official yearbook photographer at high school and from there she went on to study applied photography at college .
4 If this possibility interests you , your main concern should be to ensure that you are given enough information to check that the retraining will be of real practical value .
5 Well , Val I think you are quite right in thinking that you are not alone in feeling let down after purchasing the ‘ wrong ’ computer for your needs and I do agree that you were given poor advice by the store you purchased from .
6 Take some pills that you were given last night .
7 Take some pills that you were given last night .
8 It did not escape my notice , however , that you were accompanied last night by a rather large , rather muddy man who , I gathered from hints dropped from various quarters , had been your escort that evening .
9 Counsel should also ensure that there is annexed any material which counsel would expect the court to note in detail .
10 The reduced concentrations of γ-interferon were surprising in view of its involvement in other forms of immunopathology and of the recent finding that there is increased spontaneous production of γ-interferon by lamina propria cells in Crohn 's disease .
11 In the previous two chapters we have shown that there are marked social class variations in the health status of older people .
12 The most recent sequence of excavations has established that there was limited pre-Roman occupation of the site , in the form of a round house , which may have been associated with areas of ploughed fields , found below Roman levels in Annetwell Street , even though they had apparently reverted to pasture immediately before the arrival of the Romans .
13 A similar study of modular Stage I assessment data ( 1986 ; see Table 6.2 ) showed that there was imbalanced modular provision and enrolment over the academic year .
14 Rules governing investor protection seek to ensure that the investing public is not subjected to fraudulent or manipulative practices and , moreover , that they are given sound advice by competent professionals .
15 Moreover , the way that question is answered can change the course of history , it can condemn millions to bloody war , or it can do much to ensure that they are spared that misery .
16 Cantona has become so attractive to Leeds that they are expected this week to offer him a two or three-year contract , and Nimes , his French club , a further £800,000 , when the striker 's loan period expires at the end of the season .
17 Bolognese lawyers were so important to both the papal and imperial parties in supplying them with lawyers to staff their governments and administrations that they were given special protection .
18 4.1.1 the date of expiry of three ( 3 ) months ' written notice to terminate given by either party to the other , provided always that it is understood that notice shall not be given under this clause 4.1.1 before the expiry of two ( 2 ) years commencing on the date of this Agreement ,
19 Nevertheless , we support the creation of the body , provided that it is guaranteed that member states can nominate members .
20 We support the creation , provided that it is guaranteed that member states can nominate members of the body .
21 24 Since research shows that this is a frequent and long-lasting result of many attacks , it is important that it be given some recognition .
22 Even if it is n't , I ca n't see that it was pushed any distance
23 The company explains its performance by saying that 1989 was the first year that the US contributed the majority of its sales , 61% of the total , and that it was hit that year by a 35% fall in the UK because it was too reliant on one customer ; it raised £1.5m in a rights issue .
24 Local journalist Mike Stairs has been following the story closely , but says it was n't until the mid-'80s that it was given national attention .
25 As part of the fund-raising effort , the Scottish Bridge Union ran a National Spring Swiss Teams and this was such a success that it was repeated this year .
26 It was only in the more enlightened judgments that it was held that resistance was unnecessary where the complainant was overcome by fear .
27 Item five erm I 'm also pleased to say that er Chris was the only person nominated to be Honorary Treasurer and it would give me great pleasure er to propose that he be elected Honorary Treasurer and may I have a seconder for that proposal please .
28 Was it too much to ask that he be allowed some privacy in his life ?
29 ‘ He just never lets on that he 's done any fitness work ’ , says one .
30 A taxation of the bills would not prejudice the debtor 's claims that he was given negligent advice .
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