Example sentences of "you [vb base] the [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Now , dae ye know the date of Ángel 's birth or do n't ye ? ’
2 Bob Shepton says that life on board gets into a routine … once you make the break from land you get used to it
3 If you reduce your weight you change the amount of energy you need .
4 With a tripod you lose the freedom of camera mobility which you have with a hand-held camera , and if you decide to dispense with a tripod , a position at 3 m ( 10 ft ) or so from the subjects will allow you to work the zoom from wide angle down to midrange for close-ups .
5 If you miss , you lose the advantage of height and surprise .
6 four hundred and thirty quid , he said bloody hell , so what I said to him is , I know you 're gon na need a car , what I 'll do is er , I 'll get to work , I 'll put it , I 'll bring the car , you bring the car in beginning of the month , next month , right , said I wo n't be able to guarantee that I 'll get it done in a week cos I 've got other work booked in , but I 'll have it in here which means I 'll be able to do work to your car , right , and it 's better me being able to do that , then it , it 's sitting out outside your house and nobody touching it for a couple of weeks , now , I might have it for a couple of weeks , see and I 'll be able to do it in my own leisurely time then
7 As you wind the handle on top of the linker , it moves along the needlebed towards the knitting .
8 If you fear the threat of violence you can ask to be excluded from the public extract .
9 So the first point is if you 're going to show something show it , let everybody deal with it let everybody look at it then when you 've finished with that turn it off because you want the centre of attention to come back to you , presumably .
10 So if you want the maximum in performance and protection , discover TURNTEC ART .
11 An old adage , possibly even a cliché , but not a bad philosophy if you want the sort of holiday where you can get involved , meet local people , be an individual rather than part of a package .
12 Play mother or counsellor to younger colleagues , unless you want the role for life .
13 ‘ When you come into this department from the outside then you realise the wealth of information inside the government .
14 She wo n't mind accepting something of that kind from the Pack , I know , and I 'm sure she 'll enjoy having you decorate the cottage for Christmas for her . ’
15 And , finally you spread the idea of recycling . ’
16 If you put the bottom on wheel , put some wheels on the bottom of the ladder so it could n't fall because of the bottom , then it would still stay there because on the floor would be the bit of grip from the top .
17 If you do get a good still picture when you put the machine in pause , you can use this facility in the same way that you use other still pictures in the classroom .
18 and you put the cluster of wool in it and pull it back and it 's like little bobbles of wool and er I 've got a beige and a brown I 've done it with it will look nice you know , it will come right here , it 's a beautiful rug , quite nice , so I 've been busy and I make coat hangers
19 Have you put the tape on Dad ?
20 Right so if you put the number in front , it 's as though you 've got brackets around the whole lot .
21 This becomes very obvious once you put the process into practice .
22 If you remove the piece of rib you 've just knitted from the machine and then compare its width with the width of the needles in working position , you 'll see what I mean .
23 If you conduct the interview with care , systematically collect the information needed and compare the candidate 's attributes against those that you are seeking , then the actual decision should not present major problems .
24 ’ Archie , you look the soul of respectability .
25 Moreover , if you are married , then unless your partner is solidly behind you there are liable to be domestic tensions — especially if you run the business from home .
26 The make-up artist 's tip for applying it is to look down , place wand to the base of lashes and roll them back as you run the wand from root to tip .
27 To the former , I suggest you read The Rainment of Light by David Tansley and to the others that you try out the following experiment .
28 If you read the report at paragraph seventy , you 'll see that it has an investment value in the region of eight million pounds , it 's only worth forty million if you kill all the tenants overnight , which is rather drastic , vacant possession in other words .
29 Eighty years does n't seem a very long time when you consider the art of acting has been prospering in Europe over the last four hundred or so years , quite apart from the great traditions of ancient Greek drama .
30 Erm the remaining seventy two percent are entirely separate from this and obviously that 's a a very important point to bear in mind when you consider the level of allocation that 's been made first of all , and secondly the likelihood that if that is successful , first of all if it 's approved , if it 's recommended by the panel and eventually taken on by the county , and secondly if happens , then it is likely that it will result in skewing of the workforce even more towards the manufacturing sector of the economy and would in our view be contrary to the aim of diversification of the economic base .
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