Example sentences of "you [vb base] and [verb] [pron] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 POSITION TWO : From the squat , push your right heel into the ground and squeeze your left buttock as you push and lift your left leg behind you .
2 But if you accept that carbon dioxide is a much More insidious threat and nuclear power is the one major supplier of energy that does not produce it , the issue begins to turn not so much on the dangerous unacceptibility of reactors but on how you regulate and make them safe and ensure that their fuel is not diverted for military purposes .
3 If you holler and scream it all gets used up .
4 So you look and feel your best .
5 We 've had a good living out of it but if that same system has brought them on their feet , you know and built them nice homes er right they 've delved into Company 's House now , all the dirty water not dirty water all the whatsit has come up how much they 've drawn from these quarries .
6 The rich peasant I 'm gon na save some money right , I 'm got ta finance industry so we mechanize so you collectivize and take it all of me .
7 However hard you try and make them fit .
8 You go and get yourself another cup of tea then .
9 ‘ I 'll get the car out and you go and make yourself respectable . ’
10 And then , off you go and make them ready and when you get out onto the heath you just , the horses what 's galloping together , you 've all been weighed out and then who 's riding them and they all take the sheets off and they er straightaway .
11 When you go and do your three hour training sessions , did n't she ?
12 I mean it 's hard t y I mean you come away with a list of t things that you 've talked about , maybe headings and that 's about it and then you go and build your own notes up .
13 Now , off you go and give me some peace .
14 Off you go and have your nice lunch with Auntie Daphne and give her my love . ’
15 But then actually , the things you do and putting them right are different things .
16 Oh to get your bargains oh yes they would n't , there were n't really good fridges in those days , there was co col cold rooms but erm they would be glad to get rid of the meat that they 'd already got cut up you see , and the barker , they used to call them the barkers , standing outside you see and get your fresh meat and so on , so on , so on , so you know and er to get the custom in you see , oh there was real competition between the barkers and there were barkers standing in road .
17 Sir er you hinted that er if there are to be further written representations you 'd be looking to directing a cutoff date , and you hinted at I think tomorrow as being one possibility sir , so that you could leave this enquiry on Wednesday with all the papers you need and receive nothing more by way of written representation , evidence or any other documentation whatsoever .
18 It gives you the warmth you need and keeps its beautiful looks for years to come .
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