Example sentences of "you [vb base] [to-vb] [art] [noun sg] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 cos if you concentrate on the kerb you tend to drive a bit too close to it
2 My instruction is to find out if you mean to seek a peace sincerely , and if so , what are your terms .
3 Otherwise just nod or shake your head , unless you want to take a point further .
4 The ONLY time you want to take the weight off is at the end of the casting off .
5 And if you want to take the matter further I suggest you call the President .
6 ‘ I think , ’ continues Dolores , ‘ that all this , everything that 's happened to us makes you say what you want to say a lot more .
7 if you want to do the job correctly , er it 's no good buying very cheap material if it 's gon na ruin the chair is it ?
8 if you want to watch a match tomorrow … then take yourself off to Kingsholm … its Gloucester against Leicester … we 're off now to the action round-up
9 Just open the door and jump on the bed , if you want to put a bed in .
10 You want to shift the scene now to Selby District ?
11 Sometimes it happens that after a number of successive doses like this , the patient will have the beginnings of an aggravation : the medicine should be stopped for two to four days ( or a few hours in acute disease ) and in order to continue treatment you want to give the remedy now in a more diluted form : from the first cup ( not the bottle ) take one teaspoonful and dilute it in another cup , and one teaspoonful of this solution should be given to the patient .
12 If you want to sleep the night then that 's alright .
13 If you want to leave the pond more or less as it is , then a kid 's fishing net is the best way to remove the dead leaves without disturbing too much sediment .
14 Now I 'm not saying that we stand here and all we do is that because when you want to emphasise a point then sometimes a a single non-symmetrical a single hand gesture is more appropriate .
15 Maybe we should do if you want to ask the question again .
16 The program will then work down the list of pieces that have stitch patterns allocated to them and ask whether you want to superimpose the piece on to the stitch pattern .
17 Tickets sold out weeks beforehand , and if you want to see the band now your best chance will be in some of the more obscure locations ever played .
18 Mm so you have you know decide do n't you what you want to spend the money on .
19 If you want to hang the decoration up , first make a hole through the ball with a knitting needle or metal skewer. then I like to spray the whole figure with gold or silver paint so that my added ‘ clothes ’ can be a delicate and fragile as I wish .
20 And if you want to pick the motorhome up in one place and leave it in another , you face some hefty one-way surcharge of between £250 and £300 .
21 Erm , in two point four , you just do it with one key , if you want to delete a cell out that 's del .
22 Well it was newish but er I mean one of the couriers mentioned it to us and I said well I du n no whether you want to pass the information on , whether you know , maybe you do n't .
23 The child has behaved itself and you want to reward the child then you er you give them some kind of er a chocolate bar or something , or a handful of Smarties or something .
24 If you want to build a railway then Jim and his team will consider manufacturing the rolling stock for you .
25 you want to cut a piece off and let me see what it 's like
26 You s you you 've indicat er you you 've sort of g given an impression that er this er this the centre h depends if you want to get a lot out of it , you 've really got to sort of work at it quite hard to er bring it up to anything together .
27 We 've been talking about the amount of coverage on television and we do have one or two more callers on the same subject , but if you want to broaden the discussion out to other aspects of what 's going on in the Gulf , do feel free .
28 At first , I was again summoned and warned , ‘ If you want to make a scandal out of it , it 'll get worse ’ .
29 If it 's something you can answer quite easily , okay , you may feel you want to make a comment there and then .
30 But you seem to lose the tan very quickly once you are back at work .
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