Example sentences of "you [vb base] [adv prt] at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It 's at the top but the lift you pick up at the bottom now .
2 And there 's another sort of things now that we do n't hear is when you sit down at the table to eat erm they 're probably the most the hostess would say now would be , Help yourself .
3 Well , when I say less strenuous , I mean you leap in at the level that suits .
4 The reason for this is that the money you receive back at the end of the year will not go as far or buy as much as it did 12 months earlier .
5 Not with all National Savings , there are some that do n't a apply the compound interest factor , you get the interest at the end on the sum that you put in at the beginning .
6 Erm the tentative benefit you put in at the end of that you said is that okay and Maggie said yes erm the answer could be construed I , I thought in that basis well yes it 's okay so what whereas if you 'd 've said is that of interest to you
7 So next time you catch up at the lights with the smug so and so who was stuck to your bumper a mile back , with all the understanding you can muster just remind him that : ‘ There , there dear , size is n't everything you know . ’
8 And if you look around at the world and try and find the women in positions of power , you have to say , where are they ?
9 ‘ All towns look the same nowadays until you look up at the buildings above and the scenery beyond , ’ he grunted .
10 And it even happens where the clays which overlie the chalk , the tertiary clays which you can see for example in the top of the cliffs at Newhaven , and if you look back at the cliff from the western breakwater for example you can see clay sitting on top of chalk .
11 And if you look back at the minutes and then Yona I think she 's great as the secretary because she does n't let anything go but on the other hand she 's pretty informal about and the way th that over the weeks you know somebody er Julie or June or Mervia Ann come up with the suggestion that they maybe feel why do n't we do this and then by the next week it 's turned into a a rally or a big picket or or a record .
12 whereas you look back at the end of the day and if you have n't done what you did you sort of feel like a bit down ah and you wish you had
13 CRUISING slowly in the rush hour traffic , you look down at the radio to switch stations and — bang — the car in front stops suddenly and you 've run into it .
14 ‘ With one eye you look out at the world ; with the other you look in at yourself ’ , was Modigliani 's explanation .
15 After a few minutes , Mungo plucked up enough courage to ask : ‘ You know up at the lake ?
16 Herriot quite skilfully opens up with one or two of the more moving tales , and stitches it all back together again , quite painlessly , but when you wake up at the end , it is as if nothing had happened . ’
17 Y … you get on at the back , ’ replied the driver in a squeaky voice .
18 You can get to us , you can get on at the ba , at the baths and it comes up past Park and you get off , you get off at the end of Wickham Avenue
19 Even when you go out at the daytime .
20 you go in at the top of
21 No cos I 've seen this done before right , I mean it 's over a certain time , but if you go in at the end of the time
22 Where you start down at the estbottom and build it right up to the goddamn , fuckin' sky ! ’
23 Tickets can be booked by telephone on ( 0723 ) 370541 — or ( 0723 ) 378863 for Access and Visa bookings — by post , or personally if you call in at the theatre , and must be paid for within three days of booking .
24 If you wish to discuss your financial needs just ask for your consultant next time you call in at the branch .
25 Erm there 's a shop erm that 's right up when you come out at the library th on the er , pelican crossing
26 ‘ Good ’ work has to be seen as More than crime-fighting : ‘ Like , this is the sort of job that you come off at the end of the night and say to yourself ‘ What did I do ? ’
27 Oh no , ’ you rave on at the box .
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