Example sentences of "you [vb base] [prep] [art] [adj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 If you look at the first it might help you to decide whether you like
2 But if you look at the next one you see the arches er all the the other arches are have been raised about er a metre , and that was done deliberately to get the extra height on the outside wall so that they could put erm a er er higher roof in for the the knave and for the the aisle so that they could ge make it a bigger space .
3 If you travel in the Arctic you must never expect to succeed every time .
4 If you like underneath the lower one .
5 You know in the forties they had just soil and stones you know ?
6 For instance , if I had written six songs , one on each record , that used the Not Of This Earth technique of one bass note , three chords , pitch axis , it would be quite boring at a concert when you get to the fourth one .
7 Yet the final equation of what you can afford to spend on a new car is likely to be influenced by what you get for the old one .
8 As your hard disk seems to work OK once you boot from a floppy I 'd hazard a guess that the MS-DOS system tracks have been corrupted .
9 Do n't be bashful about telling folk how you feel for a loved one 's advice and experience will soon put your mind at rest .
10 so , so lust is what you feel for the wrong one ?
11 If you go to a thousand she 'll only have to come and do it now cos well I 've won ai n't I ?
12 I know , but you go in a different one
13 If you start with a quarter page like any sale if you start with the cheapest they 'll take it forget the rest .
14 If you live in heaven you live in the sinless It would be totally inconsistent , therefore , to pers to persist in your sinful ways , opposing God in your life .
15 The first is the acceptable result ( see 5b above on page 51 ) which you see as a realistic one .
16 Ah , but you have of the holy one and all that you know , the truth and
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