Example sentences of "you [vb base] [verb] quite a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 You seem to have quite a large sense of pessimism about how to deal with this problem , Frankie .
2 I think one of the things that is necessary is that you do need quite a strong centre within government at the moment , and , as we deal with all these complicated issues , whether they are … political or intelligence issues [ such ] as … the Falklands Isles or whether it 's something highly controversial such as nuclear power or defence or even road systems , you need a much stronger centre than we have got at the moment .
3 Well , I think perhaps what we 'll do cos you 've missed quite a few of these out so I think what we 'll do erm is to leave that what you 're doing there for a moment we 'll go through this mark this and the one 's you have n't done we 'll do so that you 've got this one straight .
4 you 've missed quite a few have n't you ?
5 Well the thing is after a while when you 've done quite a few it comes it comes fairly easy , and you can do it in your head .
6 It 's quite interesting that where you think you 've you 've rung say , Freda or Amber in the evening and you 've had quite a lengthy conversation in , mentally you think that
7 ‘ I 'm going to give you a course of antibiotics , Mr Lane — you 've got quite a nasty ear infection there .
8 I think er , having said that , I mean you 've got quite a decent coverage of attitudes and situations in here already .
9 So you 've got quite a good relationship
10 you 're , you 've got quite a good backbone there but you have n't got anything that really grabs my emotions .
11 You 've got a golf course , you 've got quite a few things round here , you 've even , you 've got your school just a bit , you know up past .
12 Erm you 've got quite a few people walking through .
13 Ooh and you 've got quite a few shells .
14 I think you 've got quite a significant amount of money which you could offset what we 've been saying just grieves me .
15 Erm , also inclination of head towards the listener and erm erm , how did they feel that they 'd finished the erm , speaker 's intonation and a drop in volume of voice towards the end , and erm , also you 've got quite a full tags .
16 Well , let's look at you , Yes , you 've got quite an interesting shape , too .
17 Why do you think it is that that you get erm that you have got quite a few girls that become prostitutes , what do you think the reasons are for it ?
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